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Show Colorado Buf f alos Ride Into Texas Grid Camp DENVER, Dec. 20 (AP) First of the New Year's day "bowl" I football teams to invade the camp of the enemy, Colorado university's univer-sity's undefeated forces rode into Texas today. Before the 35 players left Denver yesterday Coach Bunny Oakes declared de-clared soberly it would be a big ta.sk "to get these boys back into shape." He mapped out strenuous workout fee the aauaa at lhair Texas training headquarters the Texas Christian university field at Fort Worth. 33 miles from Dallas. "We haven't played for more than three weeks, while Rice had a layoff lay-off of only about a week and a half." the Buffalo mentor aaid. "These football players can go stale in three days if they haven't any work. We'll have to aettle down to business and get back in form as soon as we get to Texas." Oakes took virtually his entire squad of 13 backs and 22 linemen. Three assistant coaches. Walter DriskiU. Elvin Sayre and Frank C. Potu. and Trainer Howard E. Waite also accompanied the team. |