Show HATH NOT A JEW FEELING A misconstruction and an Explnii tioii Regarding Rainier the Jew We have received the following and publish it out of deference to the gentle tleman who wrote it In the forepart of his communication he deprecates the way in which Mr Banner was referred toBanner the Jewand then makes these very worthy remarks Taking into consideration that Mr Banner was for nearly two years nursed and cared for in the most tender manner by the Sisters of the Holy Cross and that the Israelites of this city showed theirap preciation of their services by such Contributions Con-tributions to the hospital as they were able from time to time to make it goes to prove that the spirit of religious antipathies antip-athies is rapidly disappearing and that the different denominations are beginning begin-ning to carry out the teachings of those who established them the simple words Love one another and Do unto others as you wish others to do by you being in the main the foundation of them all It will not be out of place to insert in this article the last letter received from the Sisters showing how the feeling of brotherly love is more and more permeating perme-ating the different religious classes and while each one may take a narrow route at the beginning upon which to reach their point of destination all these different differ-ent routes cannot help but eventually turn into that one broad avenue wide enough for them all to drive their vehicles ve-hicles upon Please insert here the letter omitting the names of the parties to whom it was addressed Ay IsRAELITE HOSPITAL HOLY CEOSS I SALT LAKE CITY UTAH May 221885 f ESTEEMED GENTLEMEN Your kind favor with enclosed check for 100 was duly received re-ceived Words are inadequate to express our thanks for your kind remembrance and especially for the friendly sentiments expressed ex-pressed in your esteemed favor towards the hospital and Sisters With an assurance that your kind feelings expressed toward the hospital are highly appreciated and hoping that we may at all times merit such kind expressions ex-pressions we are yours gratefully SISTEBS OF HOLY CEOSS |