Show 1kLI1 J THE MEMORIAL PROGRAMME I Obsequies in Honor of Gen Funeral 11 I eral Grant to be Held on Saturday Satur-day August 8 1885 The following programme has been arranged ar-ranged for the memorial services i honor of General Grant on Saturday August 8 1885 The order of procession will be as follows Procession will form promptly at 10 a min m-in the following order FIRST DIVISION Colonel Henry Page Aide in command Henr Will form on Second South right rest Wi ing on Main street Opera House Band Marshal of the Day and Aides mounted James B McKean Post Grand Army of the Republic Ladies Relief Corps G A R i carriages Lades Relef Governor and Secretary of the Territory Chaplain and Orators of the Day in carriages car-riages Societies of Odd Fellows Executive Committee Reception Committee General Committee of Arrangement in carriages car-riages SECOND DIVISION Captain J C Morrill Aide in command Will for on West Temple street right resting on Second South Salt Lake City Band Societies Knights of Pythias Societies of Knights of Labor Ministers of the various Denominations in Minsters var carriages Utah Commission Federal Judges i carriages Federal Officers in carriages Territorial County carriages and City Officers i I Invited Guests in carriages THIRD DIVISION Captain I F Evans i command Will form on Main street right resting on First South Societies Knights of Honor Societies of Colored Men Sixteenth Ward Band Salt Lake City Fire Department Deseret Typographical Union Lades in Car Tygraphical nages Gentlemen on foot FOUBTH DIVISION B F Whittemore Aide i command Will form on First South street right resting on West Temple Band Citizens of the Sixteenth Seventeenth and Nineteenth Wards Citizens on Foot Citizens i Carriages Citizens on Horseback LINE OF MAECB The procession will move north on Main street t First South thence east on First South to Fifth East thence south on Fifth East to Seventh South thence east on Seventh Sev-enth South to Sixth East thence south on Sixth East to Liberty Park The following named gentlemen are hereby here-by announced as aids to the Marshal of the Day Major J F Hamilton Captain E M Bynon Major J Stanton S S Walker Captain I F Evans John H Burton Esq C K Gilchrist Esq Joseph Jennings Esq Colonel Henry Page Captain i C Morrill B F Whittemore Colonel M Shaughnessy Major W H Bird D W Perley Esq John M Young Esq The Marshal of the Day will be designated by a white satin scarf draped and black rosettes The aides by white satin scars black rosettes The aides are requested to call at Roberts Neldens drug store on Satur day morning to procure their scarfs and return re-turn them to the same place in the evening even-ing ORDEU Or EXERCISES Governor Eli H Murray the presiding officer of-ficer of the day will assume control on arriving ar-riving at Liberty Park The J B McKean Post under command of Fran Hoffman will assume their position posi-tion to conduct the Ritual Service of the ton Grand Army 1 Music Nearer My God to Thee Opera House Band 2 Prayer by Chaplain of the Day Rev John Walker Jackson D D o Vocal selection Nearer My God to Thee Selected Choir directed by H S Krouse Opening Address President of the Day > Governor Eli H Murray 5 Ritual Service for the Dead J B McKean Post To Record of the Dead GAd ess General Grant Gov Murray 7Ritual continuedJ B McKean Post 8 Hymn Selected Choir 9AddressUovernor Alex Ramsay 10AddressGeneral McCook 11AddressHon C W Bennett 12SelectionSixteenth Ward Band 13 Address AY C Hall 14AddressHon A L Thomas 15AddressHon R N Baskin 16SelectionSalt Lake City Band Vocal Selection Rest in Peace Selected Choir 17 Closing Exercises G A R Ritual JB McKean Post 18 Doxolpgy J B McKean Post Audience 19 Selection Opera House Band DESIGNATIONS OF COMMITTEES Executive Committee Rosette white cen tre and black border Invitation and Reception Rosette black centre and white border General Arrangements Black centre white and black border on left breast The visiting Mayors and City Councils will assemble at the City Hall where carriages will be in waiting Civic bodies that have not yet reported upon reporting will be assigned positions in the line It is requested that all bells in the city will ba tolled from 10 to 12 oclock on Saturday P E CONNOB Marshal of the Day Dr Henleys Celery Beef and Iron cures Debility and Loss of Appetite Great Reduction in Livery At Mark McKimmins Livery Stable |