Show ALL ON ACCOUNT OF ELIZA Joint W Such Before the Commissioner Commis-sioner On the Regular Charge John W Snell the commission dealer of First South street this city was arrested ar-rested today on a warrant charging him with unlawful cohabitation with Emma Snell and Eliza Schaffer since September 1882 till the present time contrary to the laws of the country Subpoenas were served on Emma Snell Eliza Scbafier Hannah SchafFer Mabel Smith and J J Snell by Deputy Marshal Mar-shal Collin who made the arrest At about half past 2 oclock this afternoon after-noon the defendant and witnesses appeared ap-peared before Commissioner McKay who with Assisant Prosecuting Attorney VarIan Var-ian has enjoyed a long rest from the trials of aU C case The witnesses were called forward and sworn Joseph J Snella brother of the defendant defend-ant testified that he had lived in Salt Lake about twentysix years He knew the defendant and his wife Emma Snell They live in the Eighth ward on the corner cor-ner of Third South and Second East streets He was not in the habit I of visiting there but had called i call-ed at the house occasionally but i not of late years No others lived there save Emma Snell and her 17year I old son J W Snell Jr lie was acquainted ac-quainted with Eliza Scbafier Snells alleged < plural wife Had known her I I about ten years She worked in his i brothers store on First East street I between First and Second South John W Snell carried on a grocery and produce business there for the past year or more Eliza Schaffer occupied a room i up stairs at night and use one room below be-low for kitchen parlor and dining room He never knew his brother to stop thereof there-of a night but had heard Eliza called Mrs Snell and she is sometimes called his polygamous wife Here Mr Kirkpatrick for the defense I made an objection Ann Jackman and John AV Snell Jr were also employed about the place and subpoenaes were issued for them to appear Mrs Hannah Scliaffer mother of the I alleged second wife testified to having I visited her daughter occasionally at the i store She lived in the Nineteenth ward at 530 west Second North street Her j daughter Mabel lived at home but Eliza I had been away for twelve years and she did not know whether she was married or not She had heard her called Mrs Snell but she did not see the marriage and knew nothing about it She had eaten there and been in her daughters bed room upstairs up-stairs but never saw Mr Snell occupy it Her daughter had never had any children child-ren and she knew nothing much about the affair I Miss Mabel Smith a prepossessing yonng lady said she was a sister of Elizas She had resided in Salt Lake all her life and that she now made frequent I fre-quent calls on her sister She had eaten and slept there many times and only last Saturday she visited her sister I from Saturday till Monday and saw nothing of Mr Snell during the night I I She had seen the defendant eat there i I and with Eliza up stairs but that was all I I |