Show 1 NEWS OF TIlE BAY Mrs Grant has received from the Lyon Relief Corps G A R of California wreath I of flowers and a series of sympathetic resolutions reso-lutions I The cattle ring which holds possession of nearly 4000000 acres of Indian lands contains such men as Edward Cooper Ilnd I A Hewitt The city headquarters of the I I ring is in Ytll street New York f The Parifjnewspapers continue to com I ment upon the recent article in the North I German Gazette attacking France They all consider that the article foreshadows an I increase of Germanys military strength and that it was addressed to the Reichstag rather than to France A meeting of the agents of the steamship lines i was held at Liverpool yesterday with the view of calling a conference of the agents of all the steamship lines in the kingdom The meeting resolved to propose I an increase to the steerage rate to America I of 1 and to arrange a minimum rate for freight Oarpie Barehead a young Creek outlaw I was executed at Eufala Indian Territory Tuesday in Indian fashion being shot to death while seated on his coffin by the Creek Light Horse Guards Garpie was 18 years old He had murdered an entire family and recently lulled a preacher He was betrayed by his friends for the reward Win Kearney an insane man who lives near Humboldt Nebraska and owns a fine fann there was arrested yesterday Kearney said he was on his way to Washington to kill President Cleveland against whom he had I a fancied grievance He had a revolver and about seventyfivo cartridges in a hand bag and was well supplied with money Hitherto the New York banks have been averse to taking silver dollars from any source but yesterday four banks of that city asked for and obtained 00000 in standard stand-ard dollars from the SubTreasury Other banks took smaller amounts making the aggregate 110000 The cause of this sudden sud-den demand is said to be the scarcity of one and two dollar bills the government having stopped printing them I The leave of absence of four months granted to Lieutenant A W Greeley has been extended one month and twenty days on account of sickness Lieutenant Greeley is now Massachusetts His physical condition con-dition has caused his friends to entertain apprehensions that he will not recover his health Since his return from the arctic regions he has had the appearance of an invalid and has not gained the strength it was hoped ho would gain In the funeral procession tomorrow there will be about three hundred carriages in line The carriage in which President Cleveland will ride will be drawn by six black horses Immediately behind this carriage car-riage will follow six other open carriages containing the Vice President and members of the Presidents Cabinet Behind this will follow a carriage < drawn by four horses in which will be seated exPresidents Hayes and Arthur The Italian PostmasterGeneral has notified noti-fied the Postoffice Department that owing to the prevalence of cholera in that part of the French territory through which the mails from the United States destined for Italy must pass all mail sacks of the ordinary kind will be fumigated He suggests that to avoid detention for fumigation tarred mail sacks be used The superintendent of the foreign mails has issued instructions carrying carry-ing into effect this suggestion Four murderers confined in the county jail at Galveston Texas attacked jailor Hornab last evening took his revolver and escaped Three of the prisoners were recaptured re-captured after an exciting chase Charles eager under a life sentence for the murder of United StatesMarshal Gosling last February Feb-ruary is one of the three captured Dick Brannou his confederate is another The prisoner still at large and Tom Pearson murdered Dr Stoval of this city A largesse L large-sse is searching for him in the suburbs The panic caused by the rapid spread of the cholera in Spain is increasing Entire villages have been deserted by their inhabitants inhab-itants who have fled for safety from the dreaded disease In many cases the doctors and municipal authorities have been attacked at-tacked by the scourge and the sick have been abandoned and the dead left unburied Reports from several places state that it is impossible to obtain provisions or medicines medi-cines The misery throughout the country is great The bark Napoleon of New Bedford hasten j has-ten crushed in the ice in the Arctic ocean aud twentytwo lives lost including that of W Rogers of New Bedford the first officer and Thomas Pease of the same place third officer The Gazelle of San Francisco was also crashed in the ice but the crew saved The steamer Bellena of San Francisco was stove in by the ice but has been sufficiently repaired to finish the cruise The season was stormy and late with an unusual quantity quan-tity of ice M < |