Show The Pall Mall Gazette Only one copy of the Pall Mall Gazette containing the articles which have created a worldwide sensation has so far reached Salt Lake City and this copy for which 250 or ten shillings in English money was paid on the streets of London was shown to a DEMOCRAT reporter last nightTime night-Time telegraph synopsis of these articles gives only a scant idea of what the originals are for no other newspaper in the world except perhaps the Deserel Newt aver published the like Now that precautions are being taken to keep the choler and yellow fever from our shores let the Post Office Department see that amoral a-moral quarantine is placed upon our foreign mails Whatever the motive that induced the publication of such articles I they have no application in America j they are lascivious and sensationally indecent in-decent and alongside of them the Police Gazette may be considered eminently moral literature Newsdealers who vend them or any of the American reprint editions should receive the attention of the Grand Jury I I |