Show t RAILROADS V wsw Scenic line of the World I OENVER BIO GRANDE Western Railway Universally conceded to be THE POPULAR Passenger Route Between the fast and West The On1y Jaine Between Ogden Salt Lake and Denver Without Change of Cars i The qn1y Line Between Salt Lake and Chicago With but One Change of Cars I j The Only Line between the West and the East Running Through Salt I Lake City Ii I i Pullman Buffet AND Sleeping CarsOn Cars-On all Through Passenger Trains c The Only Line from Salt Lake City running run-ning Sleeping Cars Free for the use of passengers holding Secondclass and Emigrant Tickets The Atlantic Express Leaves Ogden daily at 930 a m Leaves Salt Lake City daily at 1055 a m Direct connection Is made at Pueblo and Denver for Omaha Kansas Kan-sas City and all points East The Pacific Express Arrives at Salt Lake City from the East at 500 p mand leaves for Ogdcu at5l0 p m making connection wIth the Central Pacific for the West Local Train Leave Salt Lake City as follows For Bingham and Alta at 725 a m For Ogden at 510 p m Arrive at Salt Lake City From Bingham and Alta at 415 p m From Ogden at 1050 a m Tickets for all points East and West can be purchased at the Depot Office and City Ticket Office White House corner Salt Lake City S W ECCLES G P < < T Agt W II BANCROFT Receiver THE CHICAGO Milwaukee St Paul RAILWAY COMPANY I I f The Last Built Best Equipped Shortest Line BETWEEN Council Bluffs i Chicago AND ALL POINTS EAST TaE Utah Central E R Passenger Trains cave Salt Lake Dally as follows fol-lows GOING NORTHAtlantic Express at800 am GOING SOUTH Express at 720 am Passenger Trains Arrive in Salt Lake Daily as follows FROM NORTHAtlantic Express at 751 pm FROM SOUTH Expicss at 640 pm JOHN SHARP Gen Snpt FRANCIS COPE Gcnl Fgt Pass Agt S npete Valley Railwy 0 Trains leave daily as follows Leave Moroni 900 am Arrive at Nephi lLOOani Leave Ncphi 100 pm Arrive at Moroni 300 pm J J Stages connect at Moroni for all parts of San Pete and Sevier Private teams and spring wagons can be ordered or-dered by telephone at Nephi to be ready on i arrival of trains at Moroni PrIcot per day driver paying all his own expenses f S BAMBERGElt Manager HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS VALLEY HOUSE Opp Temple and Tabernacle Sal1 Ilako Oitrv Utah CONNECTED WITH THIS HOUSE ARE 3 OOTTAGE = SIn S-In the immediate vicinity of the Main Ho tel SECLUDED BUT CONVENIENT BOARD and LODGING 2 per day Quiet Shady Homelike AUDHEW C BBIXEK Prop E Xa 1IOBTON Successor to H 0 Stenrns QIEL EIC > USE LIUKM Ice Cream Parlor Confectioner In connection with the above will be run A FIRSTCLASS DINING ROOM Where meals will be served from 7am to 8 p m Meals 25 cent JMPSpecial attention given to Suppers for Parties etc LUXLoh at A11 EJours ST JAMES HOTEL Main St South of Third South St T7MTTED UP THROUGHOUT IN FIRSTCLASS FITTED The finest and most comfortable Hotel appointments In Salt Lake City Special Terms to Families both for Single Rooms and Suites Transient 200 per day A GREENFAVAID Prop Dr Henleys Celery Beef and Ironies l Iron-ies Neuralgia and Nervous Headache i F FdPASCOEI A I o Vulcan POWDER I oo I I Caps and Fuse I MULLOY PAUL j Salt Lake Livery and Transfer Stables AND OMNIBUS LINE I Nos 35 37 Second South St opp Opera House L I SALT LAKE CITY UTAH I Telephonic Connection with Hotels and Orders Receive Prompt Attention I PENDLETON SON HORSE SHOEING i A SPECIALTY 60 W Second South near Walker Opera House EUREKA ADVERTISEMENTS IEYSTONE HOTEL EUREKA TINTIC I Best Accommodations in Camp I VVruw 150 per Day 8 per Wed I Olrn K II hOLLAND Prep I MTGrT ROLPH 1 Contractor for Lumber and Shingles And Dealer inGRAIN I in-GRAIN FLOUR AND PRODUCE j Full Supply of FAMILY GROCERIES on hand EUREKA TINTIC I ODD FELLOWS LODQES UTAH LODGE NO 1 I 0 O FMEETJ I every Thursday at 8 p m in Odd Tel lows Hall Union Block Salt Lake City Od i Fellows in good standing are invited to attend t I II L GRAY N G J J THOMAS Secretary SALT LAKE LODGE NO 2 I O O F L1 Meets every Friday at 8 p m in Ode Fellows Hall Union Block Odd Fellows good standing are invited to attend WM H GDLMER N G J M DARLING Secretary JORDAN LODGE NO 3 I O O FMEET Jj every Monday at 8 p m in Odd Fel lows Hall Union Block Odd Fellows in goo standing are invited to attend F F LECUYER N G Louis HYAMS Secretary RIVGELY LODGE NO 9iO J O FMEETt ii every Wednesday at 8 p m in Odd Fel lows Hall Union Block VISIIIIIK brother made welcome JOHN J DUKE N G W M CLARK Secretary KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS CALANTlm ODGE KO 5 K OF PHEG J ular conventions every Monday evening at Castle Hall Walker Opera House at 8 oclock Visiting Knights made welcome L II FARNSVVORTH C C G B L VNO Kof R and S 1 I M UNDERTAKERS ESTABLISHED 1864 I JOSEPH E TAYLOR UNDERTAKER I A Complete Stock of WOOD METALLIC and CLOTHCOVERED COFFINS AND CASKETS Constantly on hand Also a full line of BURIAL ROBES Masonic Odd Fellows and Knights Pythias emblems furnished on hearse OPEN DAY AND NIGHT factory and warerooms ware-rooms No 253 E First South street Telephone No 70 JOSEPH WM TAYLOR TTIIXriDIESIFlTaLDSlIETl Funeral Director and Kinbalmcr I I ta A full line of Fine Cloth Metallic and Redwood Coffins and Caskets Airtight Oak Cases and Caskets A complete stock of Burial RobeSand Undertakers Under-takers Goods of every description kept constantly con-stantly on hand Black or While Hearses Bodies Preserved without ice for any length of time Particular attention given to Embalming Embalm-ing Shipping and Care of Bodies Embalming and Shipping a specialty Lots k Graves Furnished in any Cemetery in City All orders by telegraph or telephone day or night will receive prompt attention Prices low and terms reasonable Office never closed Telephone No 35U 23 West Temple St South SAMPLING MILLS SAxT JaAEE Sampling Works SALT LAKE CITY UTAH The Only Sampling Mill in Utah Using Rolls VIIEREBY I CAN GUARANTEE ANT AN-T T accurate sample of all classes of ore by crushing to any desired fineness so as to obtain the actual value The work will be under my entire supervision All consignments will receive re-ceive prompt and careful attention City Office No139S Maui Street Mill near Utah Central Depot P 0 Box 565 FRANK FOOTE Proprietor JCCONEXINCo 101 I UTAB ORE SAMPLING Mill Ores and Bullion Carefully Sampled 0 QPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SPECIAL Ores and Bullion Mill South Temple Tem-ple Street between Utah Nevada and Utah Central Railroad Depots Office over London Bank of Utah front room MISCELLANEOUS fc > N X > THE EAGLE FOUNDRY And Machine Co I IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS 73 75 77 and 79 W Second South Street SALT LAKE CITY I I Manufacturers of Furnace Mining and Milling Machinery Mining Cars and Car Wheels Slag Pots Burs and Pans for Sampling Mills Etc Cast and Wrought Iron Fencing and Cresting and all kinds of Builders Iron Work including Ornamental Columns for front and Interior Supports 1 Orders promptly filled and all work guaranteed I guar-anteed I C > USECIlEAJSrI NG Season Is now here and I I TTJLLIDGE Co Have received their Spring Stock of VVALL P APEB j Including every design and quality I j Kakomining House and Sign Painting By the most skilled workmen and at 1 Reasonable Rates I O S CARVER J livery Feed Sales Stable rTAVE THE FINEST CARRIAGE AND SADdle J SAD-dle horses in the country Transportation to TAYLOR and PIOCIIE on short Notice Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaran Iced i I I Stable at head of Main Street FriBco U1ah Marshals Sale i 1URSUANT TO AN ORD 2R OF SALE TO ME PURSUANT by the Third Judicial District Court of the Territory of Utah Ishall expose at public sale at the front door of the Count 1 Court House in the City of Salt Lake County of Salt Lake and Territory of Utah on the 20th I day of August 18S5 at 12 oclock m the follow in described property situate in West Moun ing Utah I tam Mining District Salt Lake County Territory towit That certain Mill and Concentrator with the machine thereof and all the land upon which I the same is situated together with a convenient I conveni-ent space about the same or so much as maybe may-be required for the convenient use and occu the Wide I thereof situated west of pation West No Z aiid aboutlOO feet west of the discovery 1 dis-covery point thereof and known as the Mill j I and Concentrator of the Chicago Concentrating and Smelting Company I 1 of the Chicago i To be sold as the property concentrating and Smelting Company a corporation I I cor-poration L C Parke no T Lacy and C P I Brunton at John kason Daniel McLeod and I I the suit of E Sells W H Sells andI1W Sells partners under firm name of Sells Company I Terms of sale CASI I E A > IRELAND I Dated July 271885 US Marshal I MERCHANT TAILORS I I I Established 1876 I Large t4 IMPORTATIONS q 1 FZor Ei2aI1 I Vb it S d c 1 1 1 1 0 1 JGKIIH < t SN I 1ILusi E3ave EtoonJ II I I Summer Suits to Order from 2500 Patroca e cspecifUlly Solicit I JOHN TAYLOR SON MiILirEI TAILC > RS 2 ESTABLISHED IN 1865 I Have just received a Choice Lot of I I SPRING AND SUMMER WOOLENS Of the LATEST STYLES which they offer at REDUCED RATES Call and examine our stock i i ard makeup before having your measure taken elsewhere i I 40E lecond South Street SALT LAKE CITY i t AUCTIONS AT BAMBERGERS II I AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION EVERY EVENING I I I j I f AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION 1 I THE PRIVATE DURING SALE DAY J 1 Private SaleDuring I the t h 0 ay fPHIYATE t 1 TIER DURING DAY A Large Consignment from Eastern Houses I Just Received To 1e SaId VVithout Beserve CONSISTING OF Children and Boys Suits ranging from 2 up Mens Cnssimere Suits 5 up Cassimere Pants 2 up Coats tm up Blue Flannel Business Suits 7 M Ea caA NT T AILa c > a IIII S E ir S CONSISTING OF Fine Diagonal Corkscrew Pants Suits ALSO A LARGE LOT OF I Havana Domestic Cigars BY THE BOX OR THOUSAND ONLY StOGk is Now Ready for Inspection I SIGJSr RED FLAG Two Poors South of Fostoflice MAIN STREET WAGONS BUGGIES REAPERS PLOWS ETC I I GEO A LOWE Salt Lake City and Ogden Utah SCHUTTLER FARM FREIGHT WAGONS ANI FIRSTCLASS cpeIa and Top auggies WARRANTED OF BEST QUALITY AND SOLD AT VERY LOW PRICES 0 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS o I DEDERTCK HAY PRESSES PRESSESBALING BALING TIES AND BALING WIRE I Knowles Steam Pumps For all Purposes All Sizes Constantly in Stock AMES PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES LEEFEL TURBINE WHEELS SAW MILLS AND SHINGLE MILLS Correspondence solicited Enquiries answered promptly I BAIN WAGON DEPOT I iI i I I i HOWARD SEBBEE COMPANY I Keep a Full Stock of These Celebrated Wagons I Concord Buggies Spring Wagons i I Oliver Chilled Plows Moline Plows j I t Casaday and Flying Bntclnnan Sulky Plows t i OElA1tfPION IACaINES I And a Full Line of Agricultural Goods Hardwood and Wagou Materials a I I Specialty Call on or Address I HOWARD SEBREE CO I i I Sat Lake City or Ogden Utah i I Beer Is life Itself J3 Pioneer Fruit Packing House of Utahl I FRED c LYNGBERG I i SATURDAY JUNE 27 I Dealer in Foreign and Domestic the old ORDNER A JONES SA I opened at I I LOON with a fine stock of j P c RU ITS I Beer Liquors and Cigars Oysters Fish and Game Of fine grades and we expect to see you there Come along and call often Lots of experience I We will success e i pleajeyt and plenty and of goods strive insure to hold your patronage j Nos 44 and 46 First South Street I Gallery Billiards and Pool on V Shooting i I I the premises THIS PAPER = Cos 1fi1O nt i I A J PEACOCK I TBrtuing nurtat110 mcest N ert1alnl OK contractsmayboiaaOforlt 1 NEWYAILa I Opposite the Opera House Second South St contrctS m1Y i r i LANDAGENTSAN ATTORNEYS WILLIAM BIRD JAMES LOWE T > IRD LOWE s BIRD i IL1c1 A E2t3 on n c1 A11orXLeys Office next door to tr S Land Office Salt Lake City Utah i i Will promote claims in contested and suspended i I sus-pended cases in the Land Office at Salt Lake City Utah and General Land Office at Washing 1 j ton D C obtain Patents on Homestead Preemption i Pre-emption Desert and Timber Culture Entries and upon coal and mineral lands i General information relating to land furnished i fur-nished with maps plates and diagrams I Notary Public i in office i I R L HOWARD i i Land Agent Attorney j SALT LAKE CITY UTAH 1 Obtains Patents for Agricultural and Mineral Lands f Ol1ice next to U S la11 < l 011ice 1 O Box 39j i PATENT NOTICES I Application for Patent Notice No 1307 USITED STATES LtD OFFICE SIT L VKK CITY UTAH Juno 191W NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT C W 1 > Bennett of Salt Lake City Utah has made application for u United States Iatent for the Real Estate mining claim situate in Little Cottonwood Cot-tonwood Mining District Halt Lake county Utah Territory consisting of 1500 linear feet of the lode and surface ground 100 feet wide being Lot No 168 and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey on file in this office with magnetic variation at IS degrees de-grees 10 minutes east as follows Commencing at post No 1 a corner of the claim from which U S Mineral Monument No 3 bears south 72 i degrees 5 minutes west 1288 710 fee distant ana running thence south 67 degrees 5 minutes east 1500 feet to post No2 thence north degrees de-grees 10 minutes east 100 feet to post No S thence north C7 degrees 5 minutes west 1500 feet to post No4 thence south 22 degrees 10 minutes west 100 feet to post No1 the place of beginning of exterior bounds expressly excepting ex-cepting and excluding however from the abovedescribed area so much thereof as is embraced em-braced and included in the Alta Lot No 138 and the Ravine Lot No 113 the area claimed being 2 95100 acres The said mining claim being of record in the office ofthe Recorder of said mining district at Alta City in Salt Lake county Utah The nearest known locations being the Ravine Lot No 143 the Alta Lot No 133 and the Cincinnati Lot No 94 claims in said mining district I I direct that this notice be published in the SALT LiKE EVENING DEMOCRAT the newspaper I published nearest the said mining claim for j i the period of sixty days II McMASTER Register i I i Application for Patent I Notice No 1308 UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE I SALT LAKE Crrr UTAH June 19 1885 I TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT C W i NOTICE I of Salt Lake City Utah has made I application for a United States patent for the Hendricks Lode mining claim situate in Little Cottonwood Mining District Salt Lake county I Utah Territory consisting of 1500 linear feet of the lode and surface ground 100 feet wide being Lot 169 and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey on file in this office with magnetic variation at 18 degrees 10 minutes east as follows Commencing at Post I No1 a corner of the claim from which U S Mineral Monument No 3 bears south 68 degrees 15 minutes west 766210 feet distant and running thence north 22 degrees 55 minutes east 91110 feet to post No 2 thence south degrees 50 minutes east 450 910 feet to post No3 thence I north 19 degrees 40 minutes east 4 feet to post No4 thence south 67 degrees 5 minutes east 1049 IMO feet to post No5 thence south 22 degrees de-grees w minutes west 100 feet to post No 6 I i thence north 67 degrees 5 minutes west 1500 feet to post No1 the place of beginning of exterior I ex-terior bounds expressly excepting and ex eluding however from the abovedescribed i isgin is gfli li 6 dle lbi i area so much thereof as is embraced and in eluded in the Alta Lot No 138 and the Ravine Lot No 113 the area claimed being 294100 acres The said mining claim being of record in the oflice of the Recorder of said mining district at Alta City in Salt Lake County Utah The nearest known locations being the Centennial No1 Lot No 1C7 the Alta Lot No 138 the Ravine Lot No 143 and the No 2 Lot No 125 claims in said mining district I direct that this notice to be published in the SALT LAKE EVENING DEMOCRAT the newspaper I published nearest the said mining claim for the period of sixty days I H McMASTER Register Application for Patent Notice No 1309 I UNITED STATES L VND OFFICE I SALT LAKE CITY UTAH June 19 18GJ I TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT C W NOTICE I of Salt Lake City Utah has made 1 application for a United States patent for the Arco Lode mining laim situate in Little Cottonwood I Cot-tonwood Mining District Salt Lake county Utah Territory consisting of 1500 linear feet of the lode and surface ground 100 feet wide being Lot No 167 and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey on file in this office with magnetic variation at 18 degrees de-grees 10 minutes east as follows Commencing at post No1 a corner of tho claim from which U S Mineral Monument No3 bears south 75 degrees 45 minutes west 12550 310 feet distant and running thence south 67 degrees 5 minutes east 1500 feet to post No 2 thence north 19 degrees de-grees 10 minutes cast 100 feet to post No 3 thence north 67 degrees 5 minutes west 1500 feet to post No4 thence south 19 degrees 40 minutes west 100 feet to post No 1 the place of beginning of exterior bounds expressly excepting I ex-cepting and excluding however from the abovedescribed area so much thereof as is in conflict with the Alta lot No 138 and the Ravine lot No 145 the area claimed being 295100 acres The said mining min-ing claim being of record in the office of the Recorder of said mining district at Alta City in Salt Lake county Utah The nearest known locations being the Ravine Lot No 143 the Alta Lot No 138 the No3 Lot No 126 and the Centennial No1 Lot No 107 mining min-ing claims in said mining district I direct that this notice be published in the SALT LAKE EVENING DEMOCRAT the newspaper published nearest the said mining claim for the period of sixty days H McMASTER Register Application for Patent Notice No 13151 UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE SALT LAKE CITY Utah July 251885 TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT DEN NOTICE JJN nis C Murphy and the heirs of Samuel Kahn deceased whose postoflice address is Salt Lake City Utah Territory have made application ap-plication for a United States patent for the Calcutta mining claim situate in Little Cotton woQd Mining District Salt Lake county Utalr Territory consisting of 750 linear feet of the lode and surface ground 100 feet wide being Lot No 170 and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey on file in this office with magnetic variation at 18 degrees 10 minutes min-utes east as follows Commencing At the discovery dis-covery point of tne said Calcutta mining claim and running S 82 degrees 10 minutes west 175 feet to the center of the westerly end line of the claim and from thence S 7 degrees 50 minutes E 50 feet to Post No1 thence N 7 degrees 50 minutes W 100 feet to Post No 2 thence N 82 r degrees 10 minutes E 750 feet to Post No3 I thence S 7 degrees 50 minutes E 100 feet to Post No4 thence S 82 degrees 10 minutes W 750 feet ito i-to Post No1 of the exterior boundary lines of the surface ground of the said mining claim embracing an area of 1608 acres after excluding exclud-ing therefrom the area in conflict with Lot 70 the Live Yankee mining claim 0111 acre and I Lot 143 the Ravine mining claim 0001 acres From Post No 1 of this claim U S M M No3 I bears S 73 degrees 17 minutes W 2072 feet distant I dis-tant The said mining claim being of record I in the office of the Recorderof said mining district I dis-trict at Alta in Salt Lake county Utah The nearest known locations being the River Lee I Murphy Live Yankee and Ravine mining i claims I direct that this notice be published in the j I SALT L VKE EVENING DEMOCRAT the newspaper I published nearest the said mining claim for the period of sixty days l H McMASTER Register BIRD LOWE Attorneys for Applicants i Marshals Sale 1I 1 j I TURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF SALE TO j I PURSUANT by the Third Judicial District I Court of the Territory of Utah I shall expose at I public sale at the front door of the County Courthouse I Court-house in tne City of Salt Lake County of Salt Lake and Territory of Utah on the 211t day of August 1885 at 12 oclock m the following described de-scrIbed property situate in Salt Lake Counts Utah Territory towit The east hall of the northwest quarter and Lots Nosone and two of Section 19 nineteen in Township one 1 south of Range two 2 I west of bait Lake meridian containing one i hundred and sixty 160 acres Also a part of the northwest quarter of section 29 twenty I nine in Township one 1 south of Range 2 follows towit Com two west described as I men < ing eightyseven and a half SiS rods > west from the southeast corner of snid quarter section and running thence west seventytwo and a half 72J < J rods thence north one hundred hun-dred and sixty 1601 rods thence cast seventy two and a half Tly rods thence south one hundred and sixty ito rods to the place of beginning be-ginning containing seventytwo 72i and a half acres Together with all and singular the tenements hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining To be sold as the property of Obadiah H Riggs and Annie Miller at the suit of Philip Steinhart Terms of side CASH R A > mEL W < I Dated July 2 q 1585 U 9Marshal I I PATENT NOTICES l Application for Patenf i Notice No 13161 i UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE SALT LAKE CITY Utan July a 1S85 I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT DENnis i r DEN-nis C Murphy and the heirs of Samuel 1 Kahn deceased whose postoffice address is I Salt Lake City Utah Territory have made all plication for a United States patent for the r River Lee mining claim situate in Little Cot tonwood Mining District Salt Lake county Utah Territory consisting of 1305 linear feet of the lode and surface ground 100 feet wide be ing Lot No 171 and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey on file in this office with magnetic variation at IS degrees 10 minutes east as follows Commencing at till discovery point of the aid mining claim and rnnninr S2 degrees minutes W 775 feet to the center of the westerly en < line of the claim and thence S 7 degrees f > 0 minutes E 50 feet to PostNo1 thence if 7 degrees 50 minutes W100 feet to Post No 2 thence N S2 degrees 10 minutes min-utes E 1303 feet to Post No S thence S 7 degrees de-grees f > 0 minutes E 100 feet to Post No 4 thence S 82 degrees 10 minutes W 1305 feet to Post No I of the exterior boundary lines of the surface ground of this claim embracing an area of 2701 acres after excluding therefrom the area in I conflict with Lot 70 the Live Yankee miniHg i claim 0061 acres and Lot 133 the Alta mining j I claim 02H acres From Post Nol U Sr M No a 5 bears S 60 degrees 27 minutes W 15x 0 feet distant The said mining claim beingof record in the oflice of the Rccorer said mining his 1 trice at Alta in Salt Lake county Utah The I nearest know locations being the Murphy I Live Yankee and Alta mining claims I direct that this notice be published the I SALT LKK EvKNixn DEMOCRAT the newspaper published nearest the ad mining claim for I the period of sixty days I II HMCMASTER i8ter i Bum it Low Attorneys for Applicant 1 Application for Patent 1 INotice No 13171 i e I UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE SIT L VKE CITY Utah July 251 > S5 j XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT DEN L I > nis C Murphy and the heirs of Samuel Kahn deceased whose posto ice address is Salt Lake City Utah Territory have made application ap-plication for a United States patent for the MurphyNo2 mining claim situate in Little Cottonwood Mining District Salt Lake county Utah Territory consisting of 1134 linear feet of the lode and surface ground 100 feet wide being be-ing Lot No 172 and described in the field note and plat of the official survey on file in this office with magnetic variation at IS degrees 10 minutes east us follows Commencing at the discovery point of the Murphy No 2 raining claim and running S 82 degrees 10 minutes W 374 feet to the center ot the westerly end line of said claim and thence S 7 degrees 50 minutes E 50 feet to Post No1 thence N 7 degrees f > 0 minutes W 100 feet to Post No 2 thence NYJ I degrees 10 minutes E 1464 feet to Post No IS thence S 7 degrees 50 minutes E 100 feet to Post No4 thence S 82 degrees 10 minutes W 1464 feet to Post No 1 of the exterior boundary lines of the surface ground of the said mining claim containing an area of 2338 acres after excluding therefrom the areas in conflict with the following named mining claims to wit Lot91 Honeycomb 043 acres Lot 94 Cincinnati Cincin-nati 0002 acres Lot 133 Alta 023 acres Lot 143 Ravine 023 acres and Lot 168 Real Estate 015 acres From Post No 1 U S MM No 3 bearS bear-S 72 degrees IS minutes 13512 feet distant The said mining claim being of record in the oflice of the Recorder of sai < mining district at Alta in Salt Lake county Utah The nearest known locations being the Cincinnati Alta Ravine Calcutta Honey Comb and Real Estate mining claims I direct that this notice be published in the SALT LAKE EVENING DEMOCRAT the newspaper published nearest the said mining claim for the period of sixty days H MCMASTER Register Biiti LOWE Attorneys for Applicants LEGAL J NOTICES x v Notice for Publication No 20411 LND OFFICE AT SALT LAKE CITYl J August 3 1885 j TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE NOTICE settler has filed notice of Ins intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before be-fore the Register and Receiver at Salt Lake Cityon Saturday September51885 Orson W Rudy Homestead Entry No 1822 for the W 3 t of S E K and S J of S W section 9 township north range I west He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz George Baldwin William Baldwin Joseph Hansen and George Canning all of Salt Lake county Utah 11 McMASTER Register BIRD LOWE Attys for Applicant Notice for Publication No 2039 LAND OFFICE AT SALT LAKE CITY UTAH August 1st 1885 TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE NOTICE 1 settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be inado Before Be-fore the Register and Receiver at Salt Lake City Utah on Saturday September 12th 1885 viz Adam M Paul Homestead entry No 193S for the N S W 1 4 S W 1A N W Vt Sec 29 IJI 2 RGE He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Nathan Neibaur and John Smith of Summit county Utah and Louis Oi horn and John Paul of Salt Lake county Utah H McMASTER Register Biitp LOWE Attys Applicant Notice for Publication No 2038 LVND OFFICE AT SALT LAKE ClTY July 27th 1SS5 rOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE NOTICE 1 settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that paid proof will he made before be-fore the County Clerk of Uintah County Utah at Aside on Saturday August 29th 1885 viz Elizabeth Rasmussen D S 9027 for the ri lx NE M N Vi SE X Section 25 Tp 5 S R 22 E He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz A Johnson Wm Bruck J Heriera and James Winn of Uintah county Utah H McMASTER Register BIRD it LOWE Allys for Applicants Notice for Publication No 20241 LAND OFFICE AT SALT LVKK CITYt July 9 IMi j TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE NOTICE named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Couiluty Court or Tooele eounlY Utah at Iooele City on Saturday Auguil 8th 1885 viz Peter Jorgensen HomeRtOllll Entry No 1352 for the W y of N E 4 Section 20 Tp 9 f Range 5 W He names the following witnesses to 1rovl his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz James Cowans II S Gowans O II Rollins nml Jno McKellar of Tooele county Utah H MtMASTER RegMer BIRD LOWE Attorneys for Applicants TN THE PKOBATJE COUR2MiVAP l > IN for Salt Lake Count Utah Territory George Bettlnger Plaintiff vs Ellen Bellinger Defendant Summons The People of the Territory Ter-ritory of Utah send greeting To Ellen Bettin ger DefendantYou are hereby required to appear iu an action brought against you by the abovenamed plaintiff in the Probate Court of the County Salt Lake Territory of Utah and to answer the complaint filed therein within ten days exclusive of the day of service after the service on you of summonsif served within this county or if served out of this county hut in this distnet within iwentydays otherwise within forty days The said action is brought to obtain a decree from this Court dissolving the marriage contract con-tract existing between said plaintiff andyoii on the ground of wilful desertion of plaintiff by defendant and habitual drunkenness of defendant de-fendant And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint as above required the said plaintiff will apply to this Court for the relief prayed for and cost of suitWitness the Hon Elias A Smith Judge and the seal of the Probate Court of SaltiLake County Territory of Utah this 26th day of June In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eightrfKe ISEAL JOHN C CUTLER Clerk Territory of Utah I County of Salt Lake i s I John C Cutler Clerk of the Probate Court in and for the County of Salt Lake in the Territory Ter-ritory of Utah do hereby certify that the foregoing fore-going is a full true and correct copy ofcom plaint and summons in the matter of George Bettinger Plaintiff vs Ellen Bettimjerj Defendant De-fendant in Divorce as appears of record jn my office In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court this 30th daw of June A D 18S5 JOHN C CUTLER SEAL Probate Clerk MORRIS The Painter |