Show ON THE MORROW On the morrow General Grant will be laid to rest forever and he goes down to his grave filled with honors and years He goes to rest with a united Nation mourning him a Nation saved and united through him more than all others That which men regretted in his character during dur-ing his life will be forgotten in his history his-tory He was eminently an American j and lost none of his simplicity of character I charac-ter When he sat a guest among crowned I heads he was as modest and unassuming I as when among his countrymen in camp His journey around the world was so to speak a triumphal march The respect and consideration paid him he considered were paid him as a representative of the American people The world is again paying him respect but how different the circumstances under which it is paid Tomorrow there will be laid in the grave a true patriot and one of the worlds great men and the grandest monument that can be raised to his memory is the love of a grateful people Columns whose tops pierce the j I blue depths of heaven may be raised II to his memory but his truest monument will ever be his history Still the gratitude grati-tude of the people will wish to find expression i ex-pression in visible form and the monu I mont which they shall raise to his memory I mem-ory should be grand and simple as was I the character of him whose work it would commemorate and thereon there could i be inscribed no fitter epitaph than his I I own sweet words Let 1lR have peace I |