Show Our Gas and Artesian Wells During the past few months the residents resi-dents of Salt Lake City have met with great success in boring for wells and various vari-ous have been the kinds struck The gas wells found in the Sixth ward created the most speculation and all sorts of plans to light the city run machinery and substitute it for the use of coal and wood were thought of Natural gas is utilized in some Eastern cities to profitable profit-able advantage The geology of natural gas wells has been studied by Professor Clayton who says it is useless t prospect for natural gas except along the hollows of the bended strata the theory the-ory being that the gas owing to its volatility vola-tility seeks the highest cavities in the rock and escapes when tapped This country contains stratas of gas beds which might be made to yield some considerable con-siderable amount of gas if properly reached The many artesian wells struck of late prove to be the most useful and desirable At least a dozen more of these wells are now being sunk within the city |