Show Utah Boys Off for College A pleasant party was given last evening even-ing at St Marks chapel in honor of Arthur Tuttle and Harry Lyman ere their departure for St Pauls College Concord New Hampshire Seventyfive invitations were issued and nearly that number of young people responded Dancing was indulged in and ice cream cake and lemonade were served to the guests in one of the recitation rooms during dur-ing the evening Among those present we noticed Miss Grace Wallace Misses Bertha and Florence Hempstead Miss Jessie Ruth Miss Irene Hughes Miss Fannie Crewel Miss Kathleen McCook Misses Mamie and Virginia Douglas Miss Madge Depew Miss Marie Mason Miss Jennie Winship Miss Edna Kimball Kim-ball Miss Edith Shearman Miss Lucille Gilmer Misses Mamie and Lillie Woodward Wood-ward Miss Bessie Wilkes Miss Mattie Royle Miss Georgie Winters Herbert Tuttle Harry Lyman Henry and James Miles Elmer Ellsworth B Roberts Jr Archie and Roy McKay Earle Madera Harry Shearman Dean Lyman Walter Young Willie Anderson David Hempstead Hemp-stead Matt Bidwell John and Graham Putnam Grant Hampton Charley Gil mer Robert Harkness Max Smith Willie Wil-lie Smedley and many others |