Show VOTED THE PEOPLES TICKET Such is the proud boast of the Peoples party in regard to the action of some Liberals Lib-erals Some Liberals how many is not I if known voted the Peoples ticket in preference pref-erence to voting the Democratic ticket This fact fully confirms what we have heretofore said that the Liberal party was but the ultraRepub lican party in disguise It also t further tends to prove what weT we-T have said in regard to that party and its organ namely that they would prefer to see the Territory controlled by the Peoples Peo-ples party much as they decry that party than to see the Territory controlled I by the Democractic party If the Republicans 1f Repub-licans preferred the Peoples ticket they I but did their duty in voting it but they should forever cease to talk about preferring I i pre-ferring anything to the domination of the i I Peaples party We are sincerely of the opinion that the Republicans who voted the Peoples ticket did so that when tho returns were in the Peoples party i I might appear more powerful than ever I and that tho Democrats might conse I quentljvappear to have no strenitfh or following It has been claimed that the f I Republicans stayed away from the polls from the fact that it is known that some I o r did vote the Peoples ticket it is apparent I that they did so to make it appear how useless 51 is to try and draw party ties in Utah and also to further the Republican j I plans for thisTerritoryIt is i well thatthey I I did vote the Peoples tickedior it plainly I I shows that it is possible to have parties j here when the Republican party cannot j have its way in all things If the Peoples party can draw Republican votes the moment a Democratic ticket is put in the field is it not reasonable to suppose sup-pose that the Democratic party may yet draw votes from the Peoples party especially if the Republicans will only place a ticket in the field When the Democratic party held a meeting in Bountiful they could not possibly get the use of the Liberal Schoolhouse because the gentleman who had control of it Rev Mr Peebles was a Republican and said he was opposed to the Democratic movement It should here be noted that all the Liberals or Republicans of Bountiful voted the Peoples ticket We hope that in future the Republicans will refrain from making charges of partisan and religious bigotry against the Peoples party for they should remember the story of the beam and the mote It is much to be regretted to think that the marked ballot system of which the Republicans have complained so much was not in vogue lastMonday so that it could be known just how many voted the Peoples ticket because they were bidden to and how many voted it because they preferred even church rule to Democratic rule A number of Government employes voted the Peoples ticket merely because yes merely because Still to the ordinary ordi-nary mind it will seem somewhat strange that true Americans should have united with the party which upholds the doctrine ofa union of Church and State to show the Democrats how numerically small they are when priests and patriots unite It is a proud boast of the Peoples party that the Republicans voted their ticket and we congratulate them upon the accession to their ranks |