Show I ji Huts hats I Huts I ir Spring and Summer Styles now in We are Sole Agents for all the fine New York I Hatters including Youmans Knoxs i Silverman and Thomas Townsend Cot dt Co-t London We also carry a complete line of John B Stetson Gos Fine Hats NOBLE WOOD Co The Exclusive Hatters 1 1 I Notice to Democrats C j Tomorrow night at 8 p m there will i be a meeting of the County Democratic t Committee at Baskin Vanllornes J office for the purpose of making arrangements arrange-ments for future operations of the Democratic Demo-cratic Prominent Democrats have j crtic party Democrat I been invited to attend and many of them i are expected to be present 1 Use Syrup of Prunes For Constipation Price 75 cts per bottle For sale at all Druggists Coffee John will receive the first lot of celebrated Count Oysters of the season on Sunday night They will be sold for 75 I cents per can i Our Distinguished Medical Visitor I Our readers are all familiar with the firm of Medical Specialists Dr Liebig Co of 400 Geary street San Francisco The Doctor is coming here on a professional profes-sional visit making a business tour through the Territory The Doctor will be at the Walker House Salt Lake City August llth and 12th remaining two days only in order to examine and consult with all who may I desire his advice or treatment I This is a rare opportunity to all suffering suffer-ing from complicated diseases deformities deformi-ties broken bones or badlytreated cases of a delicate nature by which so many I men are ruined for life All sufferers should avail themselves of this chance to consult the leading specialists Dr Liebig Co The Doctor was educated as a specialist j special-ist in Europe nearly 25 years ago and is i known all over this country and Europe i as a thoroughly educated medical specialist special-ist and surgeon This will be a rare op op 1 portunity to consult the greatest specialist of the age right here in our midst Warning I I expect to change my location from I No 64 W Second South street to Main i street the first of August and have concluded con-cluded to make Cabinet Photographs until I un-til that date for 3 per dozen After that they will be the same as the other galleries gal-leries i 7 per dozen All work done by the instantaneous process and guaranteed to be the finest in the wet M W NEWCOMB Photographer West of Opera House Pioneer Candy Factory Established in 1871 I am now prepared pared to furnish all orders at wholesale and retail for my celebrated caramels and pure home made candies Orders from the country solicited Geo Arbogast 48 E First South street White House For the best meals and rooms go to the g White house Everything firstclass and low rates j J J 1 f Use Syrup of Prunes The great California Prune Laxative Price 75 cts per bottle For sale at all Druggists pr How to Consult Dr Foote Sr by Mail Dr Foote Senior author of Plain Home Talk Medical Common Sense etc etc would say to those who would like to cr is lit him by mail that they can have a list of questions and a circular of gratuitous advice by addressing Box 414 Salt Lake City The doctor ha arranged to have such information supplied in this way to save time Receiving such printed matter the correspondent can describe i his or her case fully and direct it to the doctor in New York Dr Foote is successfully treating all forms of chronic diseases a specialty to which he has devoted de-voted thirty years of study and practice Evidences of his success can also be had by addressing Box 414 a above but all al letters of consultation and orders for remedies should be addressed to Dr E B Foote Sr 120 Lexington Avenue New York City N Y Consultation free An advertisement of Dr Foote Sr in I another place deserves desere attention I J t Dr Henleys Celery Beef and Iron cures Indigestion Dyspepsia I Protect Your Family I is the duty of every man rich or poor who has created a home to make some provisions against the inevitable for those who are dependent upon him and this most desirable result can be obtained ob-tained by procuring a policy the Mutual I Life Insurance Company of New York the oldest active company in America and the largest life insurance company in the world Rates etc furnished by Louis Hyams Agent 55 Main street Hooper Eldridge Block Salt Lake City Salt Lake City awing Company lr CULLEN I W MORE I President VicePresident We are now prepared to receive orders I for our CELEBRATED BUDWEISER LAGER BEER Special inducement given to purchasers I pur-chasers of carload lots gven Having given our careful attention to I I the selection of the finest material for the I manufacture of beer after the Budweiser I process we are in a situation to place be i fore the public an article superior to any j I hitherto offered in this supror I Orders by telephone promptly attended i to JACOB MORITZ Sec Teas I Democrats Peoples party and Repub beans are invited to avail themselves of the very low prices prevailing in ver prces prvaing every ever department of the Mammoth Establish Estblsh ment of F Auerbach Bro They say they are never undersold ST MAYS ACADEMY Salt Lake City Utah CONDUCTED BY THE SISTERS OF THE HOLY CROSS Classes for Boarders and day pupils will be resumed re-sumed MONDAY AUGUST 31ST 1885 The courseof study embraces all the branches of a thorough and accomplished education LANGUAGES GENERAL DRAWING nntl YOCAL MUSIC Being included in the English course form no extra charge Thebrick building addition to the Academy will he read for wi ready September The low pressure steam apparatus will be in basement of same TERMS MODERATE Small boy boarders received in a separate department Halffare tickets cat be procured for the pupils For Catalogue address as above Bargain IN TOBACCO STOCKS CANES MEERSCHAUM PIPES I I WILL OFFER FOR SALE IN PRIVATE I Lots of one or more the stock in trade of II Ed Harris at his Cigar Store First South street On TUESDAY AUGUST 4tli I And following days Fishing Rods and Fishing Tackle II II Hickory Walking Canes Gold and SilverHeaded SiverHeaded Walking Canes i Amber and Meerschaum Cigar and Cigarette I Holders Briar CigaretteHolders and Pipes i J Cigar Cases and Tobacco Pouches I Shaving Brushes and Combs 1 Snuff Boxes and Match Safes I Tobacco by the pouad or hundred weight Two gross Pipe Stems I Chequers and Chess Men Fine stock of good Cutlery Cutery Flags and Torpedoes I Pipes all sizes and prices I Show Cases and Mirrors Cigars bv the 10 or 1000 I And the Finest Stock of Meerschaum Goods in I the city I 9Sale Positive I WILLIAM FULLER Assignee The CHQ Move I seems to be a fact that the C B Q mean business in pushing a road through Colorado and Utah for the Coast Several l Salt Lake parties arc arranging to go to Boulder Colorado to do work on the new survey Scrapers and 1 necessary neces-sary trappings for the grade work are being be-ing prepared to begin labor at once Another Base Ball Challenge The Blue Church Base Ball Club challenges chal-lenges the Knights of St Dennis or Evening Even-ing Social Club to play friendly game of base bal on Washington Square on August 13th W B f Manager B B B B C COAL OIL and Fluid at Pioneer Lamp Store 57 E First South Street SPECIAL NOTICES fKNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS NOTICE ALL members of the Order are requested to meet at Castle Hal on Saturday morning at 9 oclock to participate in the Graut memorial services By order of the committee T C ARMSTRONG Secretary RTDGELY LODGE No J I O O KA general invitation is hereby extended to all visiting and sojourning Odd Fellows to takt part in the memorial exercises to the memory of General Grant on Saturday August 8th and unc they are requested to be present at the 1 O O F Hall Union Block at 9 a m sharp PHILIP KLIPPLE D D G M BROTHERS OF UTAh LODGE NO 1 teO t8n lteL are hereby notified to be present Saturday Satur-day morning at the 100 F Hall Union Block at 9 a m sharp to take part in the memorial exercises Saturday August Pth ItT4 GRAY N G J J THOMAS Secretary LALL OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF Salt Lake Lodge No 21 O O F are requested re-quested to meet at their Lodge room at 9 oclock sharp Saturday morning Full attendance desired de-sired By order of W H CULMER N G J M DARLING Secretary OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF JORDAN LOFFCERS S 100 F are requested to meet at their hal on Saturday at 9 a in sharp Full attendance is expected F F LECUYER N G Louis HYAMS Secretary ALL SISTERS OF THE DEGREE OF Rebecca I 0 O F are particularly requested re-quested to meet at Odd Fellows Hall Saturday morning at 9 oclock sharp Conveyances will bein attendance atendancePHL KLIPPLE D D G 3L gMEMBEltS OF RIDGELY LODGE NO 9 1 O O F are hereby notified to be present at Odd Fellows Hall at 9 a m sharp Saturday August 8th to take part in the memorial memo-rial exercises J J DUKE N G WM CLARK Secretary A SPECIAL MEETING O1 THE G A R7 will be held this evening at their hall Opera House A full attendance is requested By order of the Post Commander F M BISHOP Adjutant ALL THOSE MEMBERS OF OQUIRRH and Unity Encampments 100 F who intend to take part in the Grant memorial services ser-vices will appear at their hal this evening at 8 oclock sharp with uniforms and swords Border B-order of T C BAILEY Captain G A R NOTICE zcrc THE OFFICERS AND JL members of James B McKean Post No 1 GAIt tlliu are requested to meet in X3 S ti l their hall at 9 a m tomorrow tomor-row for the purpose of FTtiI joining in the memorial services in honor of our late comrade Ulysses S I r Grant I All comrades and old soldiers are requested to I > join sion with us on this tfroa By order of I l4t7 FRANK HOFFMAN vgi Post Commander > F M BISHOP 1 Adjutant NEW TODAY r I OiCeD A LL PERSONS HAVING BILLS FOR SEU BLL 11 vices or supplies to the Grant Memorial Committee will please hand the same to the undersigned not later than Monday noon in order to receive proper approval proper EDWARD M BON Sec Ex Com I Application for Patent I Notice r Jfo 1321 UNITED STATES Lvxo OFFICE SALT LAKE CITY Utah Ajigust 1885 VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE J1 t heirs of Isaac S Waterman deceased by Simon Bamberger administrator have made application for a United States patent for the Sovereign mining claim situate in Ophir Min ing District Tooele county Utah Territory consisting of 1200 linear feet of the lode and surface ground 140 feet wide surace 10 being Lot No 155 and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey on file in this office with netic variation at 16 degrees 40 minutes east mag as I follows Commencing at the discovery point I on said claim and sad tunning thence south 1 de gree 40 minutes west GOO feet to the centre of the southerly end line of the claim thence north 8 degrees west 70 feet to Post No 1 the point of beginning of exterior bounds thence exteror south 8 degrees cast 140 feet to Post Ko2 tnence north 1 degree 40 minutes east 1200 feet to Post No 3 thence north 88 degrees ea westl40 feet to Post No4 thence south 1 degree 40 min utes west 1200 feet to Post No 1 the place of beginning of exterior bounds containing 161 I acres after excluding the area in conflict with I the Shoo Fly Lot 11917100 acres Selah Lot I 14830100 acres Eureka Lot 128 21100 Lt I 12 Weston Lot 109151100 acres From Post No4 i of this claim U SlI M No6 bears north 76 degrees 38 minutes west 10952 feet distant The said mining claim being of record in the office of the Rush I ofce Valley Mining District Valey Dstrict at It Stockton in Tooele county Utah having been recorded in said district prior to the date when said mining claim was incuded within the limits of the Ophir Mining District The near est known locations being the Shoo Fly Selah Eureka and Weston i I direct that this notice be published in the I SALT LAKE EVENING DEMOCRAT the IOCRAT newspaper published nearest the said mining claim for the period of sixty days H MCMASTER Register R L HOWARD Attorney for Atorney Applicant Eli t f ROYAL BAKING POWDER ibYU f I 4KI G POWDER I Absolutely Pure I s B 3 y w j This Powder never varies A marvel purity strength and wholesomeness More economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test wih short weight alum or phosphate Powders Sold only in cans ROYAL BAKING POWDER Co lO Wall street New York MEDICAL 1 Dr room Senior I WBiB WB K Of 120 Lexington Avenue New York Hereby cautions the public NOT to Employ or Communicate with n styling himself Dr Foot Jr mal stylng without making due inquiry I I This man came to Salt Lake City represeutin I himself as the son of Dr E B FOOTE ot New York the well known specialist a abundantly I proved by affidavits As rumors came into Sa I Lake City from Dakota and Montana from aa expose made there he changed his base aU represented himself as the son of a more noel specialist in New York City than Dr ER FOOTE the well known author Mr JOHN F TROW of the well known Trows Directory in New York City forty years in the director business ExGovernor FRANK FULLER of Utah and the lion ABRAM WAKESIAN for many years Postmaster in New York City also Surveyor the Port gave their affidavits that there are n other doctors in New York by the name of Fou or FOOTE1 excepting Dr E B JTUUIK the alth of Medical Common Sense etc and his to nons lIcdlcal B FOOTE Jr and Dr HCBERT 1 FOOTE lons The genuine Dr FOOTE Jr will hereafter here-after always employ the Initials Elj in designating desig-nating his name Heretofore he has been known not only at home but wherever his put lications have been circulated by the name oi Dr FOOTE Jr Greater care will be taken here after in view of the fact that an unprincipled person has assumed to profit by his and In I fathers reputation Those desiring further and more dett ini < formation in respect to this matter will receive foraton Salt Lake Utah i by addressing Box 414 Slt City al Persons having information of advantage to plaintiffs will kindly communicate the tamp to J W Ivey with Sutherland McBride Sii Lake City Cty Those desiring to consult DR FOOTE professionally sionally or to order remedies should address either Dr E B FOOTE Sror Dr E B FOOTE Jr 120 JLcxiiigtoii Ave New York I Consultation Free in person or by letter I 1 GENTS FURNISHING GOODS I I I G MULLETT CO I i GENTS j GENTS GENTS GFNTS FU RNISHINGS I GEXTs GEN GE T Fine Hatters I I New Coods Arriving Daily I 1 S e I rou THE I I DUNLAP HAT 21G S Main Street opi Posioffice JEWELRY WATCHES Pt It z j 4 i v tLb AT HOLLANDERS JEWELRY STORE 14S Wain Street Salt Lake i = T ELIASONS 112 MAIN STREET You can find the largest assortment of Gold Silver Watches JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS And everything needed in that line a cry Iicswt Prj ODS t Acv Sign Writer 216 11all Street Opp FoMtoffice UP STAIRS Fresco Graining |