Show Nevadas Outlook This Year Nevada is no worse off than her neighbors neigh-bors The bullion yield of the State shows an improvement over last year and will be close t 10000000 She has demonstrated too that rich ore exists more than 3000 feet below the surface of surace the earth and the Hale Norcross mine is entitled to the credit of making the first bullion shipment for such a great depth The daily ore product of the Comstock mines is 600 tons keeping over 200 stamps on the Carson river constantly employed in crushing it The ore is low grade but returns a fair profit above expenses of mining and milling By reason rea-son of this extensive prospecting operations tions are being carried on in nearly every prominent mine on the lode and there is every probability that valuable discoveries discover-ies will be made in the near future Tus carora is still contributing to the wealth of the country Eureka Austin and Candelaria have done fairly well during the past year and will do better in the future But there are hundreds of small mines scattered through the State which have caused the bullion yield to be greater than last years product and from these have come the mineral to more than make up the deficit of the hitherto big districts Prospecting is being as keenly followed as ever and there would be an immense boom in that line if the prospector pros-pector could be placed on the same footing foot-ing as the farmer The greatest need of Nevada today is reduction works What Colorado has done can be discounted in Nevada but private capital seemingly has so many attractions elsewhere that it is loath to take hold of any enterprise in the State |