Show I 1i 1 i LOCAL JOTS I Tho Requiem for General Grant is for sale by the newsboys Only a Farmers Daughter has dates at tho Salt Lake Theatre The Daughters of Rebekah will take part in the Memorial procession tomorrow The roads and weather are in splendid condition for the memorial obsequies tomorrow I to-morrow I The Encampment branch of the 100 F 1 I will be mounted in the procession tomorrow in full regalia A cage of spotted Chinese mice attracts many visitors to the notion bazar of Hong Hop on lower Main street The poem commended by the programme committee of the memorial services by Mr J H Ward appears in another column Two hundred tons of ore from the Tus carora and Bullion mines in Nevada were sent to the Sandy smelters during July Two boys Hanaak and Cooper for engag To i ing in a fight in front of Smiths store on Second South street were today fined 5 i each The name of Mr H Watson appeared in last nights issue as one of three arrests I was a Chinaman arrested by Mr Watson in Nothing has so comfortably cooled off the i I heat of Salt Lake as the several refreshing showers the just and unjust have enjoyed today Jacob Moritz has been appointed Grand I i Marshal of tha I O O F encampments which take part in the memorial services tomorrow to-morrow C Larsen for filling himself up with liquor to the detriment of his navigating qualities today left 5 to help replenish tho city treasury I is reported that a couple of prisoners in the penitentiary made a futile attempt to escape over the garden wall by means of a hook attached to a horse hair rope Mr B F Whittemore requests the residents resi-dents of the Fifteenth Sixteenth and Nineteenth Nine-teenth wards to meet at the U C depot tomorrow j to-morrow morning to take part in the memorial memor-ial services serces The greatest trial of private families these days seems to be in getting and retaining I oliablo girls about the house Utah is filled with women help but they all belong of late years to the Independent party Yesterday three society young gentlemen ani a number of small boys went fishing on M in street with great success In front of Alls store they caught n fine string of trout f from tho culvert beside the street Josh Billings the great concentrator of speech delivers his popular lecture at the Theatre this evening Subject The Probabilities Prob-abilities of Life All who have hoard this lecture speak in praise of its merits The Stockton mines are all looking well and the attention of capitalists is being directed di-rected that way Many of tho old districts of Utah will soon bo inspired with new life should load prove to be on a permanent boom Special attention is directed to important changes in the Memorial programme of the procession tomorrow The line of march has been changed to First South street instead in-stead of Second South See the programme in another column Tho material for tho Bingham telephone line t connect with Sandy West Jordan and Salt Lake has been ordered and the system will be in running order inside of six weeks This will bo the only copper wire line in the Territory The amateur opera artists of the city are all on the qui tire regarding lolanthe and Tho Mikado Both operas are full of catching music the latter having a great I deal of the style and jingle of Pinafore and their production by home musicians is a lofty and laudable effort The Butte papers state that the showing of the Alice mine for the last quarter published pub-lished in the DEMOCRAT a few days ago is quite satisfactory and while the expenses of the new quarter will bo likely to show a considerable con-siderable reduction the chances are considered consid-ered good for an increased bullion producl The Montana press association propose to have a good time on the occasion of their first annual meeting at Butte on the 20th T The Union Pacific Company tenders the freedom of the road for an excursion to I Utah which will probably be accepted and this is but one of the many treats in store I for those who attend the sessions of the association as-sociation Dr J 11 Thompson has recently rented a j suite of rooms over Hard Jennings grocery gro-cery store on Second South street The Doctor has nicely fitted up these rooms for dental parlors and will be glad to have his I friends and the public call on him Dr Thompson being an excellent dentist can bo conscientiously recommended to those in need of professional dental services Bedbugs are now having their annual picnic pic-nic at the Utah penitentiary and the midsummer mid-summer nights dreams of the prisoners arc frequently if not pioualy disturbed Half a dozen of the inmates ore said to be very tough however and the bugs have left them in disgust The other prisoners complain I that the snoring of these half dozen as they dream of Mexico and a land where a man doesnt get six months for living his religion relig-ion is painful in the extreme and breaks them alt up |