Show STOCKTON BONANZAS The Old District JLoominfT lip Mines That arc making the Boys Happy Correspondence DEMOCRAT STOCKTON August 6It having been some time since the last notice of items I from Stockton and vicinity appeared in the DEMOCRAT the great public will no I doubt submit to another short statement Mining operations have not been so active foi quite a number of years past as they are at the present time and all the mines that are in operation are yielding very satisfactory profits to the operators During the past week quite a number of practical mining men from Bingham have been here examining a number of the mines that were once large ore producers but which have not been worked for several I sev-eral years and if they can make satisfactory satis-factory arrangements with the owners will in a short time commence operations tions here which will no doubt add very considerably to the ore shipments from this district as they are men who are rarely mistaken in their calculations as regards mining Messrs Carter and Robertson are employing em-ploying twenty men on the Catherine mine and are taking out a large quantity of a high grade ore Their shipments for the month of July with a force of ten men amounted to 6000 and it is likely they will ship twice that amount for the present month I is difficult to find a person who envies Messrs Carter and Robertson their good fortune as all admit ad-mit that they are only receiving their just reward for hard work and preseverance John Shettle is employing several men on the Legal Tender mine and is taking out half a ton of ore a day to the man worth 35 a ton The Argenta is yielding ample profits to Mr Preston who employs about six men He is working this mine under a lease and bond and he has demonstrated that he has got a very desirable bargain The Stanton mine at Ophir is admitted by all who have seen it to be an immense bonanza Large shipments of ore are being made and they would be much larger if there were better facilities for shipping It is to be hoped that the Utah Nevada Railroad will soon see money in extending their road The town of Stockton is pleasantly situated sit-uated at the north end of Rush Valley about onehalf mile east of Rush Lake a body of fresh water about one mile wide and four miles long affording a very pleasant bathing and fishing resort Stockton supports a good day school which is presided over by Miss Coalby who is an able and efficient teacher and I gives entire satisfaction Religious services ser-vices are also held each alternate Sunday by the Rev Mr Gillilan the Methodist minister from Tooele I Stockton also supports two stores two saloons and two blacksmith shops all do ing a profitable business There has also been quite an addition to the membership of the Modern Order of Live Oaks I am not yet fully initiated but from information informa-tion afforded me by P G I Nolan I understand un-derstand that the great object of the order is to take Mexico I is claimed that it has other objects which are intended to very much benefit its members MINER IER |