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Show 'SPEGIA; Large Colored Baby Deliveries can be Madf1 All During June ! t . : ADAMS HATCHEi: j Telephone 13 km J i ' ' ti Chhes4er3DiaoSf- 0 Before NapoleonV- He It Into every his.;. made the phrase Mo terloo" an EnglUi,,:. was an lnconspiM.,a : E WAM5 ' tele SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE FOUBTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT F AH COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF BERKELEY, a corporation, Plain-STvs. Plain-STvs. FRED J. YOUNG and MAWE P. YOUNG, also Mary P. Young, his wife; HOME HOLDING COMPANY, a corporation' corpora-tion' WILLIAM PREECE and CORA CO-RA PREECE, his wife; COLUMBIA BOND AND MORTGAGE COMPANY COM-PANY a corporation; WTLLARD L. SCWARDS and FANNIE SO-WARDS, SO-WARDS, his wife; STANDARD COAL COMPANY, a corporation; McCONAUGHY-LOSEE LUMBER COMPANY, a corporation; BYRON P FISHER and CECIL M. FISHER, his wife; THIRD DOE, Defendants. TO BE SOLD AT SHERIFF'S SALE at eleven o'clock a. m., on the 22nd day of June, 1936, at the Front Door of the Courthouse, in. Provo, Utah, the property situated in aforesaid County and particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point 26 chains East and 0.375 of a chain North of the Southwest corner of the Southeast South-east quarter of Section 3, in Township Town-ship 6 South of Range 2 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian; and running thence North 16.415 chains; thence East 14 chains to the East line of said Section 3; thence South, along said section line, 16.415 chains; thence West 14 chains to the point of beginning, the same being a part of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 3, and containing an area of 22.98 acres, more or less. Together with 3 shares of capital cap-ital stock of the North Union Irrigation Irri-gation Company, said shares being represented by Certificate No. 911; 6 shares of the capital stock, of the North Union Irrigation Company, said shares being represented by Certificate No. 887; 6 shares of the capital stock of the Provo Reservoir Water .Users Company, said shares being represented by Certificate No. 164. Together with all other rights of every kind and nature, however evidenced, to the'use of water, ditches ditch-es and canals for the irrigation of said premises. Together with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, remain-ders, rents, issues and profits thereof. there-of. Dated May 23, 1936. E. G. DURNELL, Sheriff, Utah County, Utah. I First Publication, May 29, 1936. Last Publication, June 19, 1936. Car & Furniture PAINTING J We are now equipped to z paint automobiles and all kinds of furniture. $ j Get Our Free Estimates. z Cfoas. J. Gaisfordj jz Tel. 176-W ''American Fork Tap Dancing" it e. Groesbeck will opa l CJ June 8, at fteLegio:; Classes for all age. HOME "TbTli lm West, between Fi- ' w North streets, ici f Grammar school f f Lehi Sun office tr - fc Prestwich, Idaho K M xnt i(M For Sale-H;enr- Tl Bible Encyclopaee, will sell for $12.00. American Fork. lig For S,'.:e-X::.::r rockers, large ovsr:: stool, Hetpcix !;:: ! Monarch c:al ra:s " bedroom set, btd t. ': ... . . reje dming room suite. . Firmage, 19 N. fc : lie LbSTIaciTS"-branded LbSTIaciTS"-branded UH: en t 'a Richards, Lehi Ca' rail COW FOR SAU- ftp with second cal ; Lehi. Constipation If constipation causes you Gas, Indigestion, In-digestion, Headaches, Bad Sleep, Pimply Pimp-ly Skin, get quick, relief -with ADLE-KIKA. ADLE-KIKA. Thorough, in action yet entirely en-tirely gentle and safe. On Sale at Wm. Thornton Dm? No. 1. F0K s Office Desk, mefe-8 ' dition, roll-top-?- Hanson, 'phoiiMSij WantetpKve -c from A. F. to fcs e es quarter of sch'- &i New 1936 ChewX -: 158 So. 2nd East, For Sale-U'-Radio. God rjf $17.50. Teleple- - " F OR Vs; TT Building Lot U Water Rig!- ", U Terms. Writes.- Wyoming. ' For 'sale-E ' Range, L Almost r.e-( i j Salt Le Otf- " j; Niel IMjl "rrTF by thejwmft -q For First -f. modeling Tel SOl-Wjir For k' -25 20 sen cultivate 1 $1200. handle.- write J- 1 11 Salt 1 (MORE MitES PER DOLLAR) -- -r " TTTgIVES' YOU ALL Y the FORD V-8 t,v I OHLY THE E c e FEATURES a heSb few"' 1 csFETY GLASS ALU AROUND T I aENG.NEPERMANCE 3.M EXTRA CHARGE 1.W.TH ECONOMY WELDED STEEL BODY -EEU 1IPER SAFETY WIECHANI- J.CTUKE AS ELLAS SUB 1 fe" 2.cUalWkes D1NG comfort 1 hvw , f v - , - r MATTER how you classify your It gives you more miles per dollar be- ll expenditures for ear up-keep cause it gives you all-round economy it's your total expenditure that counts. low first cost, low up-keep cost, low de- IIow much "dollar mileage" is your car preciation and long life as well as low givins you? gasoline and oil consumption. AH these Dollars do go farther in the Ford V-8. . are big items if you aim to buy the most Modern improved carburetion gives you economical car. unusual gasoline mileage with brilliant FORD MOTOR COfAPANY V-8 performance. Most owners of today's mm Ford change oil only every 2000 miles 1 If II and add none between changes. J ig"! S 0 And after the first few thousand miles H I 1 J Is you begin to understand what Ford V-8 S -3L J2- mS "dollar mileage" really means. - A GOCD CAR AT A LOW PRICE 925 A MONTH, after usual down-payment, buys any model 1936 Ford V-8 car from any Ford dealer any. where in the V. S. Ask your Ford dealer about the new Universal Credit Company Ys per month Finance Plans. MAKE YOUR MQMEY GO FARTHER WITH 1THE GOODYEAR MARGIN OF SAFETY with toutlh, Rurc-ftrlpplnii Rurc-ftrlpplnii center-tract Ion trend that ft Ives UK longer non-skid mlleufto than even former Goodyeurs. 2 BLOWOUT PROTECTION IN EVERY PlY because of patented Supei twist Cord niore resilient, more enduring than any other cord. OlOWEST COST PER Mill service with greater safety In every mile proved by the. cxpeiieiuo of millions. THE GREATEST NAME IN RUBBER Sinclair Service Kt Wl.ST MAIN Slltl l T (1. SHIHIWAY, frop. Lowest Priced 16 Grlonths Qkl Whilst ; PifiTS-Ccc'e Ko. 55 tS 'Wi m a Try in GLENMORE DISTILLERIES CO., Inc Largest DhtiUery in .; lcl -0; 0 "i i rut"' ,,i |