Show presbyterian mission mi ion service the following service will be held at it the mission this week saturday I 1 night light song sone service at su nd ay school and preaching service beg beginning ining at 1030 a m sunday alin rh subject abject of the services will be loyalty to christ we invite you to attend CLATON S RICE the times per year tonsorial PARLORS located first fint door north of now new gurr building parowan carowan Pa rowan utah I 1 shaving haircutting shampoo ing massaging etc public bath in connection hot or cold water joe dalton proprietor office hours hour 6 phone DR F L GOWER COWER DENTIST location new gurr building min main st rAX OWAN UTAN UTAH I 1 T G ECKLES painter paper hanger and decorator estimates estimate furnished on all kinds kind of work PAROWAN UTAH JOHN JOHNS S BROWN contractor and builder parowan carowan Pa rowan utah high class work at all times satisfaction given it if you contemplate tho th erection of a cottar cottage be sure and got get my ay estimate I 1 YOU DOLLARS t JOHN T MITCHELL parowan carowan Pa rowan utah general merchandise Mer chandi jewelery notions furnishings groceries etc I 1 prices price are the lowest of the loy low call and be convinced i LADIES GENTS tailoring cleaning and pressing by latest methods all work guaranteed if you live out of cedar you can 3 send nd your work by parcel post and it will be given the same attention as that secured in cedar city my prices price two PIM piece sulu steam alm cleaned n suits suit pressed pr mj 60 90 no need to wear a shabby suit send it to me aej ana have it made to look like new A I 1 J cedar city utah so S J whitney mitney 4 blacksmith parowan carowan utah Horae shoeing wagon repairing tire setting and GENERAL blacksmithing work guaranteed prices reasonable Remo arih q xa jlong q yo haiir u r borc auto stage line wm win P barton contractor daily service between Para genah and cedar carries carriea passengers and light express easy riding cars and licensed driver parties daurin desiring to lo mike make special trips trip will be accommodated rates reasonable and cedar city ISAAC LEMMON carpenter cabinet and casket maker practical experience Satu full estimates furnished an new w see se nr me kefor etuin contract if for that new aw reside residency reu deac nc or addition parowan utah parowan carowan beaver auto line tuesday thursday saturday return side trips it your convenience enquire or phone D P BARTON parowan carowan and beaver hotel beaver utah HOTES BAYLES parowan carowan Pa rowan utah comfortable and cosy meals nutritious and wholesome beds comfortable A home for travelers Tra velera mrs ann bayles byl prop J dov dover er sons son co lime lima boror of experience putty and lamp gioie in any ny quantity delivered to jt all parts parti of the county write or f chowe your orders order CEDAR crry CITY UTAH 0 7 r 0 0 c I 1 L lumber u M ber 0 n j B supply is from three 0 saw mills U situated in the heart of the 0 n best timber in southern utah n u we have choice pine and spruce in U all dimensions and in large 0 0 1 quantities P we carry one of 0 the me most oom complete lines fines 0 of merchandise ever brou brought ahl into carowan V consisting ol of clochin clothing y so n Is n jaff 7 dress drass boods groceries eries erier etc n 0 0 PAROWAN EQUITABLE CO OPI c 9 1 TE EE C ae 11 1 1 53 F 3 0 fol 0 oral 0 0 0 C 0 S A halterman U the automobile man 1 0 0 parowan carowan utah ay iy if you contemplate purchasing an au 1 to see me before buying let me V 0 demonstrate to you the famous 4 do odge broders bait ar li orthe or the 0 beautiful c Huu daon goir 0 these cars have stood the test for durability and speed and are fast gaining the lead in the united states 0 C 0 I 1 E 0 c 0 0 ED T friends your attention 0 to have an up to date drug store located in the northern end of the county is a convenience 1 that you no doubt appreciate our per counter is presided ded over by a registered pharmacist 0 we carry a complete line of drugs and drug sun sundries and are agents for edison phonographs spalding athletic and sporting goods 0 tropical fruits in season seaon A nice line of Confect confection ions 0 parowan carowan drug company 19 19 oil JOI rc tu I 1 C 0 1 0 1 r 0 J john T U wheelwright blacksmith parowan carowan I 1 utah inh 1 0 3 work and au properly expeditiously done if you 0 g have bave trouble with your wagon wheels bring them to me and I 1 will make them as strong as when new 0 courteous treatment and correct prices 1 0 j F |