Show dr Good cheers Per feel all out of kilter do you nothing goes to suit you quite skies seem sort of dark and clouded though the day is fair and bright eyes effected fail to notice beauty spreads on every hand hearing so impaired youre missing songs of promise sweet and grand no your case is is not uncommon a popular distress though not at all contagious thousands haveit have it more or less but it yields to simple treatment and is easy quite to cure if you follow my directions convalescence quick is sure take a bite of cheerful thinking add a portion of content and with both let glad endeavor mixed with earnestness N ba blent these with care and skill compounded will produce a magic bigi c oil that is bound to cure it if taken with a lot of honest toil if your heart is dull and heavy if your hope is pale with doubt try this wondrous oil of promise for twill drive the evil out who will mix it not the druggist from the bottles on his shelf the ingredients requires you must find with yourself nixon waterman |