Show THE UTAH BUDGET fo former governor john C cutler has been appointed a member of the salt luke lake school board walter L I 1 price a pioneer grocer of 0 S salt alt lake died last week at a hospital after being III tor for three weeks from a complication of 0 disorders the total registration in salt laki of voters who were wc re qualified to vote in n the primary election was jn in the state election registered tho the expenditures fi r ogden city exceeded the receipts by more than 20 during the mouth month of september according to a monthly financial re port don emanuel rage colored is ur wr der arrest in pueblo colo on a charge ot of forging a united states postal money order in mohr mohrland emery county two bold bandits walked into a salt lake saloon while the proprietor was counting up the evening receipts and relieved him of 22 the contents of the cash begir register iter despondent because of lailure failure to set get work nork vern shingleton ingleton Sli aged 20 years attempted suicide by swallowing strychnine ut lit hib bib home in salt lake he will re cover nearly ogden city voters were viere enrolled it 1 the official registration books book bookson of the city at the close of office hours the last registration day before the primary election with a total investment of in thirty two actu ring establishments in provo tile value of the products turned out oui by these plants is placed at tor for the fiscal year james latses latal aged 23 a driver tor for s salt lake laundry was stabbed in quarrel with peter clors after which his assailant fled but was later captured latsis Is in a serious condition fort douglas salt lake cites military pot already has been becom mended to the war department as a brigade station and supply depot tor the th west by officers of the regular army the froio pressed brick yard has received an order from the E H dyer co for bricks which are to be delivered march 1 lor for the building of a sugar factory in spanish fork protests voiced by tead ants of the granite school district lias has tailed failed to result in a decision on the part of the hot bos rd to have children of 0 the detention lit i me e withdrawn wi from the public c r sch ell not I 1 visitors comprising th the eminent club women ot of the state a i ala aal convention ot of the i clubs in I 1 ay of last 0 k after tidying that na ii had bad been given 11 to fire a store at ogden og en but that thac alie e tailed failed to c carrr put plit ills bis part of kait i plot C T lo 10 adz d on a c ii ge ee of grand found n t guilty illy by a jury john may eliav london ference in the british mission of mormon monnon church and who had bee I 1 W fay j teresta salt alt cake a or many ye years may died oci oc er L r 14 irr WP 0 don I 1 j sni codr oani duox two 1 eion on E syl bertg cent of M tot t k if tile the bmw op d pacific depre p 1 dented 11 the annual stockholders meeting ghe ir the road held in salt lake list last we wee y 1 was ree re e V et ed siah baitie the e eblon ion of 1100 modern brick land and cone con sw houses ats ata Is i tied tor for a new c city IN ty thal ze will alteri into existence hyop next x it ten ws d ys s south ot of the west jordan bugaj actori upon w has actu at begun p a a w wr A salt ia ce e paper s ay ja ta lovett Lo 1 chairman cha irma lo 10 the directors of I 1 th the me 13 acile yet yel made up p mind as to the union P pah I 1 c will or bill haz Q 11 railroad ial i the uintah aasin but may do s fithia ithie V since lai surplus of canned vegetables an alt in the state held over from last r practically all being expressed by dealers that the short su P nar sufficient cien t 7 em of the eta state market arket this I 1 te j in aall i to emall lia this has b ati the most profitable year in the hi bli c y of the abee I 1 in utah ause of r pris fcc s paid for t 1 I 1 and lambs A A aal eat lister se ary of the tats a i ut pl commissio announces nn ounces that file stock sheep of 1 state are more free disease at L the he f S D grande rande sc an n hand was cestr by 11 fire e S Saturday curot at noon coon hla his ife fe who was in bed e with a 6 5 days ol aaby aby was forced to to the bon it a neighbor reports fr in the clarion charlo six elx miles i u h 1 fi aft kiei county count yar ar id the effect that the crops were not v good 44 av ly due to ter ler bedau 10 8 1 A supply was wag callable val lable when needed C 4 r r it will rw ire four weeks more of of work be beare e ti tha I 1 8 ve track I 1 P me s baldg made maiee by b y the V ye are enned IS uffie tand and vort the completion of nf lb job J the abe r way apan 6 lao wl I 1 AboSy as TSO boj the uta AX r i I 1 manufacturer fis alon which afis C s beani title for I 1 1 chalder of commeret exhibit ot of tills resources aces displayed to la salt la matilt dece ber aier I 1 from fiat it A IB kumm |