Show R R meeting 1 uriah T jones C S wilkison Wilk ixon and dr A N leonard Gs as a om cittee from the cedar commercial r club met with about twe twenty P yar owan men last evening to the question of a railroad from lund to cedar the gentlemen elated that all the information obtainable was contained in the aaa last aue i yue of the record and that they consid ered cred the move one that should bo be encouraged by everyone living in the county after a thorough discussion as to thi the benefit that would accuro to the northern end of the county a motion was made that carowan parowan people would lend all the encouragement encourager rient possible DOB dibIe and give what financial to si stance they could because of lack of space we are I 1 tl unable able to say more of the proposed railroad this week but will ha have ve more to say later |