Show YOUR NEIGHBORS KEEPER 1 I am not my neighbors keeper you say wrong brother wrong you are your neighbors i keeper you have it within your power to the doctrine of brotherly love into the heart of your neighbor to keep before his mind the higher and nobler thing of life to make of him a living monument of what man should hould be there is no man hut but what values the good will of hia big neighbor and all men strive to retain that good will to the end for it isa is a universally accepted fact that your neighbor comes the nearest of all to knowing you as you are and while your neighbor may not speak of them he be sees your good points and your bad ones and they are impressed upon his mind even to the most minute and trivial det details alls hence it becomes all the more incumbent upon you to so regulate your life that your neighbor may find nothing therein to divert his mind from the path that leads to uprightness and right living cultivate your neighbor give him a friendly word and a worldly boost teach him to feet feel th that at you are his neighbor and not simply the man across the way and as you act toward him so will he in time reciprocate and if your acts he uplifting and of a high moral tone he in time may seek your level with its ment atmosphere and its lofty ideals yes you are your neighbors keeper brother let your stewardship be above reproach |