Show SPLENDID wm LYCEUM COURSE A community enterprise worth while is announced it may be known generally by the public that months ago during the booking season a splendid series of lyceum attractions was secured for parowan carowan Pa rowan the better class of entertainments are always secured from well known lyceum bureaus who 0 route their attractions through the territory in as acono economical mical way as possible thus giving opportunity for every town which takes pride in the community uplift to secure the best of attractions thus the kounz people of our community and citizens generally may during the fall winter and spring months hear the best in music art public speaking akine and entertainment which is always clean and uplifting scarcely scarcely a town with any pride or ambition along these lines can be found on the map these days but what conducts either a lyceum course during the fall and winter and a chautauqua during someone some one week in the summer or both in fact nearly every town has a lyceum course whether they the y have ft a chau or not this could not he said of the west a few years ago but the western towns are coming to the front in these matters the same as all over the east and it is with no little pride that we have selected an unusually good course for this season As the attractions appear from time to time announcement will be made of their particular kind of program and their rank and standing as big lyceum attractions the attention of the public is called at this time to the attractions and their dates of appearing here and all will do well to stand by this public t in in every way 1 orioles november 2 2 jubilees Jubil ees november 30 y J arnold january 19 11 olsen may 8 F C VAN BUREN secretary |