Show one woman who knows secrets and keeps them HERE Is only one mh e united states who has knowledge ofin of in T THERE ter national ev evenus her name is a margaret at hanna she Is the confidential secret secretary lz assistant of 0 the tha second assistant secre f a 2 i ts ry of A adee who Is the y py only permanent official of high YES 1 rank in the department Apartment a no matter who may be the executive head of the department and regardless youg gard less 0 of whether the administration is democratic or republican the course of 0 tho the foreign office is steered by mr air adee all of the diplomatic affairs are managed by him the complex 0 pie unwritten code called international law is to him familiar in its every paragraph and he has all precedents at his fingers ends but it goes without saying that such business involves an immense amount of detail which la is where the peculiar and exceptional talent of misa aliss hanna comes into play she takes all that part ot of the work off mr air addes hands to him she is like a card catalogue to a librarian and quite a bit more in addition incidentally to her duties she helps to prepare many state papers that ere are la in the last degree confidential in character she Is the custodian of many mani an important secret affecting the welfare of the country but from her point of view this Is merely a part of the days work she forgets the tha secret automatically when she leaves the office and goes home it has often been said that a woman cannot keep a secret perhaps roost most women cannot holding that belief wrongly or rightly the department of state prefers not to employ them in confidential capacities but the rule la is broken in miss hannas case she knows how to keep a secret and the government of the united states la ia willing to bank on her reliability in this regard |