Show OUR POLICY there are two main forces at work in this world one elevates and the other pulls down one is FOR and the other AGAINST doing good and fighting evil are ohp same for the latter can best be done by substituting good there is so much of the positive that it should demand most of your concern the carowan parowan Paro vvan times will first and all the lime be affirmative if we can help to improve our municipal citizenship the county and state will be berie fitted our work will primarily be local having in in view view the improving and perfecting of a small social unit for a useful component part of a still larger unit iron county and southern utah have a claim on our support we will be strong for ourselves and so being we shall be stronger for the aggregate social units any pros move bene fitting the section of which parowan carowan forms a part this paper will support we shall sh all try to realize that the whole is greater than iny any of its parts bearing in mind however that a strong commonwealth mon wealth can only be built of selfishly vigorous and energetic parts at times it may appear to some that we are pretty much for parowan carowan Pa rowan but we hop ethey they will also see we are for iron county through our representative system the stockholders of the company publishing this paper will really control its policy the buard board of directors will dictate directly to the edi tor manager what the policy shall be rhe board in turn will be subject to the company we hope also to receive suggestions and kindly criticism from our patrons that we may he able to carry out the wishes of the people slandering petty jealousy and personal quarrels unkindly thrusts at another paper a society a concern or person will not be tolerated we reserve the right to make replies when in our discretion they are needed but we hope to avoid stirring strife of any nature we wish to be generous courteous and brave strong of conviction and susceptible to argument we dont expect that all we print will pass unquestioned but we want to b be e honest and fair if what we print prim is the result of milligent dill igent research and honest investigation it is to us atje ast the truth ali although hough we may in our next issue recall or contradict it differences in opinion and changing of opinion are promoters of civilization all we say may not please all our readers it may satisfy only a small email minority but as icing na as we give the brt best we know and change with increased enlightenment you must ere credit di us with aith honesty there are unchangeable facts in the universe univ efe but truth is largely a mental condition next week through indrea increased sed light we may have to modify something we publish today although what we write lexi nex issue will be n no more the truth to us then than what we wi anie I 1 te this week eek is to tous us the truth now other capeis and ina mav v criticize our efforts but we w nope they will not censure our in tent if you can convince us w we are wrong we shall change even this a portion of the policy we intend to pursue one more thing by way of explanation if our out of county readers will permit A number of the substantial people of parowan carowan have expressed pre ased fears that the establish establishing i ng of a paper here at the present time and under existing circumstances would result in warfare between the iron county record and this paper and an increase of differences between cedar city and parowan carowan Pa rowan in the first place we consider the editors of the respective papers to bemen be men of sufficiently sound judgment to avoid allowing personal and sectional feelings to play a part in their papers we believe they know that mud throwing pay so far as the directors of the times are concerned newspaper jangling is strict strictly iv a matter of history in iron county we are for parowan carowan and anc iron county if we are for the county we be against cedar city for cedar city is a great big part of the county the times will help cedar and the record will help parowan carowan Pa rowan the record will publish parowan carowan and east end news briefly and the times will do the same with cedar Ce darand and west end news the wideawake wide a wake county roan man will tead lead both papers for the full account of happenings iron county and the people of iron county are big enough for two papers to the record we say we will be your business competitor your literary contemporary and your social friend if we can get more publishing work ork and more subscribers than you we shall do it if we can produce a more attractive paper both in in appear appearance ance and subject matter we shall do it if we can do more toward promoting good feeling between cedar and parowan carowan Pa rowan we shall do it we expect to differ with you on many things that will arise our viewpoints will not always be the sime let us untangle our troubles am bably and yield and sectionalism see to mutual good and prosperity A DIRECTOR |