Show WHY HE PASSED UNNOTICED fairy had discovered sure way of making himself invisible anyone can try it once upon a 96 time there was a good little girl and this good little girl asked her mother it if she could go and play in the woods and her mother said yes so she went to play in the woods and she gho was wag walking along and walking along and what do you think she ehe met A fairy airy and she was awfully surprised to meet a fairy so she said to the fairy airy where do you come from and the fairy said bald this Is where I 1 live and the little girl said 1 I never heard about any fairies living in these woods and the fairy said no because nobody ever saw roe me here before but you are a good little girl so I 1 lei 10 you see me and the good little girl said how do you manage to bo be joeen ceen by nobody even though they walk right past you every day 1 I lend them money london answers |