Show y or a rowan ulmes published every wednesday q company alex aiex 11 rollo editor and manager subscription RATES one year ts T 75 six months I 1 four month 50 always payable in advance application made for entry as second class mal mail matter at the post office at parowan carowan Pa rowan utah october 2 27 7 1915 advertising rates made known on application prices reasonable parowan carowan Pa rowan utah october 27 1915 a 11 parowan carowan Tann tannery bannerwe erwe e to aj maker of H high agh grade leather ship to any part il by parcel post of ul the mi country kimn vl A highest cash prices paid for furs pelts and hides y ml phone phon or write if you have any to sell hj tj sou WI uhl he be money in if you soil sell your lars furs to william willia m pritchard arit chard prop parowan carowan Pa rowan utah V j CITY MEAT MARKET fresh beef pork and mutton conj 1 8 stan scantly aly on hand 1 fresh sausage and cured meats A AH A complete line of c groceries X nj f ij ai davenport y e PA ROWAN PAROWAN UTAH L I 1 native lumber at the mill or delivered anywhere in the county sold in the rough lj or planed price right f no order too ton large none to small I 1 ll 11 4 walter C mitchell darowin carowan Pa rowin rowan utah J IJ BAKERY AND CAFE I 1 li P H BRUHN proprietor I 1 fl fresh bread pies cakes rolls fruit cakes I 1 doughnuts cookie cookies Cook iea etc scold J cold boiled hams hains fre bresli fish once olice a yeek week alv t short order lunches at all hours chill chili con carni cam a S specialty i A homelike place for the traveler f biml PAROWAN UTAH J 41 4 1 1 THE PAROWAN TIMES A progressive conservative and reli R eli able weekly News newspaper gives all the news all the ti time ime 0 52 times a year for only my s 1 50 v AA 3 t 4 y i I 1 1 our r job coa department UP i Is aswell well equipped and we 10 0 are prepared 1 to do job and commercial print CX 1 4 j ing at a reasonable cost i fj satisfaction US faction fact lon Guaran guaranteed td H v M v it i t tv i |