Show OUNG foung SOPRANO PLEASES GREATLY bentter of orioles oriole delightful voice one ot of the most delightful treats aver ver recorded accorded lyceum patrons will be given them aben ben the orioles present their evening entertainment the company Is composed of 0 three delightful young ladles ladies each adding to a dis dl tive program miss orah harkness reader suil and impersonator Js is ft a graduate of the columbia school of expression and her readings and dialect stories are unique IP I 1 Z 2 I 1 I 1 i i M MISS ISS ETHEL BOYD ai miss I 1 is ethel sethel boyd is a soprano well known in the west and everywhere adorably avor ably received miss madge becker Is if a whistler of ability and sho she defies tho the ittle itile themselves ies in fit her in fit of their warbling war bline it II Is a most delightful trio of young dies and one that s sure to plea please beum patrons 1 |