Show WAVES BRAG E GH FROM ROCK TO SEA shipwrecked CREW WASHED ONE BYONE FROM PLACE OF REFUGE TO GRAVE schooner wrecked off california coast and all on board but one including two women drowned in sight of safety 11 point arena calone cal one ono after another seven men and two va women omen who had bad ought their way up on mal pass rocks atter after escaping from the wrecked gasoline schooner alliance no 2 were dragged back into the sea toy pursuing combers cambers eight were swept to death the ninth ratael rafael Ifo modiner Modi illner ncr was it flung ung as ashore hore a alive it ve H R jones ot of vancouver the mate was ass the only other member ot of the ships compan company yot of ten that was saved when the schooner which sailed from vancouver B C october 9 tor for Maz atlan sinaloa plied piled up on mal alai pass rocks twelve miles north ot of here early monday she had on board captain delouchrey F E harrington duiet engineer J S walsh second engineer H R jones mate A atlan allan cook daillie baillie purser miguel 1 abila owner mrs abila miss milter miller and ratael rafael bediner Me diner abilar servant the two women and all the men except jones who remained on the vessel aided one another over the side as the schooner was being smashed to pieces tout but could not mount high enough on the wave wracked cracked rocks to escape the clutch of 0 the sea jones watched his companions as they were swept away and waited his turn soon afterward the pounding hulk bulk broke in n two flinging the mate into the maelstrom of 0 the surf the ships dory washed overboard came within his reach and he climbed into it there he was found exhausted hours later Afe diner was tossed up on the beach unconscious when he revived he crawled up to a cliff road and was picked up by a farmers fan ners wagon abila the owner of the schooner was said to ibe be a close friend of carranza and was taking the vessel to mexico tor for use in carrangas Carran zas service |