Show 0 he falls no nho ho beakes lila his all upon tho th right and bareg to fall all what the living bless or blame blaine for him the long success of farac richard W glider COMMON CABBAGE cabbage may or may not be a delicious vegetable owing entirely to its preparation in boiling B cabbage remember to in met tej cook it in rapidly boiling water uncovered to let ip the odors pass away and ab not be absorbed by the vegetable it Is also true that the house will be quickly aired from cooked cabbage it it be cooked in an open dish ladies cabbage into four our quarts 0 of water save one halt half 0 at a hard sound head of cabbage add a teaspoonful teaspoon tul 0 of salt a quarter ot of a teaspoonful of soda and a teaspoonful teaspoon tul ol of sugar have the water boiling hot cook until tender then drain and cover tho the cab bago bage with sweet milk set on the back part of 0 the stove to simmer imer ten minutes drain again season with butter and serve hot the addition ot of buttered crumbs and a tew few chopped olives makes this into russian 7 cabbage escalloped Escal loped cabbage with dried beef Pr prepare ellare and cook the cabbage as above put it into a buttered bak ing dish in a layer an inch deep then pour over a little rich white sauce on this a layer 0 of shredded beet beef repeat until the cabbage and white sauce Is used cover with buttered crumbs and bake fifteen minutes cold slaw shred enough cabbage to serve pour over it boiling water and let stand two minutes drain and add a boiled dressing mix alix well and set away to chill serve as a salad with cold meats german cabbage cook bacon until crisp cut in small bits pour this over a halt head 0 at cabbage chopped with one small onion season highly with salt red pepper heat beat vinegar and pour boiling hot over the cabbage serve at once gladly the wild owl fowl skim the darkened foam at set pet of sun to taron tar far off on marsh to nest and home the day Is done god grant that to our souls at night may steal the joy anil and freedom that his wild birds feel RELISHES FOR WINTER the thrifty housewife ta is one who stocks blocks her shelves with good things tn in their season so that in winter when the variety Is limited she eho may serve her family a appetizing relishes which tare are tar far superior to any any bought in we uie maziot marl fet cucumber catchur Cat chuo lay alpe cucumbers in cold water to chill then peel pee I 1 and grate them grated grate two small onions add to the mixture with salt and chopped red pepper to season add vinegar to make the mixture of 0 the consistency of 0 marmalade and put into bottles or lars jars sealed air tight this does not need cooking as the halt bait and vinegar preserve it cucumber pickles one of the aas lest pickles io to prepare and one which may be added to as the pickles are of the right size is the following take a cupful of at salt a cupful of ground mustard mix well and add to a gallon of vinegar put into a jar and add green cucumbers of medium size keep a plate over them to hold them in the vinegar and they will be ready to use in a few days more cucumbers may be added keeping them well rell covered with the salted vinegar they keep fresh and crisp and are not too strong of mustard cucumber pickles slice s small mall sized cucumbers in halt half inch si slices ices tor for each three quarts of sliced pickles add three quarts of boiling water and a cupful of salte pour over the cucumbers and allow them to stand until the third day boll the brine and nd repeat the third fifth and the seventh days then they are ready for the next stage in the treatment pour off the brine and cover with half balf vinegar and water with a teaspoonful of 0 pow dred d red mum aluia poured boiling hot ovet ove tre lic klei let stand three days then place in a lar jar with a layer oi of cucumbers sprinkled with chopped grcen peppe onions and raisins not cho chopped choppe three peppers three onions and one cupful of ral raisins sins coer coi r with vinegar and brown sugar in equal quantities and place a bag of cinnamon and cloves in the jar pour the vinegar over the pickles boiling hot bot if you wore were born to honor show how it now if put pul upon you mike make the judgment good that thought you worthy SMa kOr LUNCH BASKET the school luncheon days d ya aro are hero here and should be well provided for with a gerherous gers ger rous erous stock 0 of paper napkins and squares ot at 10 paraffin paper cracker boxes boies ais are lined allied with waxed paper and the I 1 boxes themselves make fine receptacles for or different foods for or the lunch basket sandwiches packed in these boxes keer keep fresh and moist ginger bread which Is so good when fresh biresh may also bo be packed in a cracker box cold cream jars or wide mouthed bottled will be large enough to hold a portion of jam or jelly for a childs lunch screw top malted milk are one fine tor for carrying malted milk cocoa or plain milk sandwiches should be provided tor for satisfying g hu hunger nger with a pickle or other relish and a dessert 0 of ruit fruit cake or tart when sandwiches set the butter where ic it will be softened by heat as it spreads much better crisply tried bacon put dut between bread slices maket makes a good wholesome sandwich corned or roast beet beef chopped chopp d as tor for hash mixed with wit fi I 1 chopped wilon and mashed potato is generally liked codfish made as for fish palis balls made thin and used as filling tor for sandwiches is also delicious S peanut butter or peanuts chopped mixed with cream cheese aa aa another good filler Is most tasty sweet sandwiches served with a fruit salad and coffee will mate make a line fine lunch we must remember in putting up a childs lunch that it must be something nourishing and quick to eat tor for he Is anxious to have more time to play the school that alsup Is up to date will have some arrangements made to serve some hot dish like soup or cocoa or even hot milk A small kerosene stove Is a most convenient part of 0 any school equipment it if the heating stove is such that thai there Is no surface tor for food children are always happy with a bit of fruit A bit of candy la Is another addition which Is always a delight and a piece or two Is not objectionable at the close of a meal were half the power that ht fills the world with terror error were we re half the wealth bestowed on c camps and courts given to redeem the human mind from error there n v ere no need 0 of a ar senat e nals or torta forts GOOD THINGS FOR TABLE I 1 I 1 1 it t tt clr foods hleb are the iq ost tuan uen an unis al combination om of bril ordinary inary things makes a lery tasty dish bacon and apples peel pee and quarter tart apples leaving on about halt the peel peeling lag fry several slices of bacon very crisp drop the apples into tho the hot tat and cover closely until they begin to soften eai turn once carefully re fully with a pancake caie turned turner sprinkle augir sugar over before turnings nd let them brown blown nicely before serving serva ave hot bot on a platter with the bacon when you have a small piece of ham left from a meal chop it with some sour pickles moisten with salad dressing alduse and use asa as a filling for sandwiches creamed baked bearis beanca Be ansA A pleasant change in serving leto isto le to put two cupfuls of 0 them into a cupful and a halt half of good wilie sauce when hot serve on moistened ened toast welt well buttered french mustard take a quarter of 0 abound of the best groaned pour over it a cupful each of vinegar vine gar and water add a piece of calamus root sweet flag a 44 large as a hickory nut aut a tablespoonful tablespoon tul of at flour cook twenty minutes stirring constantly add a teaspoonful teaspoon tuT of sugar r just before removing put in bottles and cork tightly apples cored peeled and filled with brown sugar mixed with a teaspoon tul ful of curry powder and baked make a fine accompaniment to meat xu 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