Show OUR homecoming A SUCCESS FROM BEGINNING TO END WAS thoroughly mm ENJOYED vi BY ALL m MANY OLD TIME IN attendance AnEN DANCE inasmuch as this the first issue of the times will be sent to many of our relations and friends who were here for the homecoming home comin and those thomp others who desired to be here we think it proper to mention some features of that event the visitors and the hame people will always remember the rood good time we had the history of the occasion etc so we shall concern dur ourselves selves mostly with sentiment we are certain we express the feeling of almost every person in paro wan when we say we think thank our old time residents and friends for their visit with us u many of them came great distances at an expense of V time me and money just to see the old place once more and partake of our hospitality for a few days old people who were really not able to make the trip answered the call the folks at home could easily imagine the joy of the visitors tora and the ahe visitors could feel the joy of the home people therein Th ereis nothing that brings back the memories of the past and fills the heart wah v h expectancy like a journey homeward every turn in the road every familiar haunt and face can be seen ahead possible things can be seen been changes likely in the ranks of dear ones but as the distance grows shorter the anticipation is keener and finally we see that for which we have longed for so many years to the younger p pons who mho stood asi deto witness the meeting of the elderly people especially was almost sacred old men clasped each other in their arms and old women shed tears of joy at beholding friends of long ago we were not allowed to see the meeting within the homes but we can imagine what they were in public places there was always a 2 congenial spirit manifested the home people were anxious to become lit l 3 frieb pi p i tb th bors and the visitors seemed ta ife feel perfectly at home all formal introductions duct ions wire were dispensed with and everybody felt free to make himself known to all others the people of P pa rowan may justly feel fee proud of their entertaining abilities there was hardly a detail overlooked by chairman J L LLowd lowder er and his energetic committees the work was well organized in accordance with well laid plans all the meetings were especially interesting the report of homec home omera comers representing numbers who were not here were highly enjoyed through them all who attended the meeting have a good idea of what paro faro wan people located all over the west are doing loir 2 the trip over the valley in automobiles and rigs was of special interest to the visitors the im by the use of artesian water ww was to many the fruit festival was a most moat unique affair because of frost and summer drouthey parowan carowan was unable to tc supply much of the fruit but we had plenty from our dixie neighbors perhaps the one thing thin that most deserves special mention was the great array ot musical talent it is doubtful if there was ever another such buch display of the fine art given in southern utah the quartet of and directors professors alfred and G H durham leon L eckles and george woodhouse were masters of their respective tive fields at all times the concert was by far the best ever given in by local people the work of the choruses s under direction of prof G H durham was worthy of special mention inasmuch as it represented the ability of a great number of local locala fingers ingers the band under the direction of prof eckles was a noteworthy feature displaying again the ability of so many of our boys altogether the musical part of the program was excellent at the time the visitors were about to leave for home the writer was in a position to get expressions from them these are some samples 1 I 1 want to thank you and every pers person 0 n in parowan carowan for the rood good time I 1 have had 1 I have been repaid ten times for the trouble and expense of coming this has been the happiest week of my life all left with greater love in their hearts for their old home the events and pleasures of ahe he few days spent here will be some of the brightest recollections in years we are certain we bespeak the feeling and apart heart sentiment of the stood good people of parowan carowan by saying to the home comers we hope you arrived safely home that you will wih always remember we appreciated having you with us and that your memories of your old home will be fonder forvour for your having been here we shall herewith submit a list oft of the names of the home horne comers for their satisfaction and the satisfaction on of the people heri here pt at home john 11 II pendleton M M steele ben lewis sr wm F benson phebe W benson fredrick A allen alien alfred durham solen S lyman rosilla richards belle R tanner wm R richards nephi johnson seth johnson mrs H J mcginnis hilda lyman ella W lyman francis I 1 hemming C mettie R matheson amelia J JT eulala timothy robinson mrs T robinson mrs 0 T baker sarah A hadden alice L webb mangus johnson wm win F C on ella T carson dora J gottar gottfredson adson florence J lewis edward thorton george mumford mrs M J hamilton mrs airs J B mcdonald mary D wardell frank woolley elizina al hullet mrs J A hales wm N eyre julia S eyre julia S eyre juliette A holt estella A holt maggie W banks rhoda G robertson hannah R johnson eliza L fish sarah E lewis betsy B haycock bertha W mcgregor donald A mcgregor paul lyman grant lyman J leroy heap john J hattie 0 henry gillens susanna gillens arthur H robinson mrs airs arthur H robinson annie R poulson emily R mrs S M watson alma W mcgregor aln barney alice A barney sanuel rowley thomas rowley james E goff james applegate emily J ferren ferrell jane ward david W ward vina A munson marion A gudmunson ni francella A isa burk flossie B hutchins samuel L gould mrs J jenson joseph jenson rasmus jenson christina S hanson richard A robinson martha williamson Willi aroson susie wood osiah josiah rogerson Ro emma L webb rosmond W hackthorn Heck thorn lellon heap lillian L heap faith edith B butt elizabeth elizabet h S stably elizabeth B johnson dora B meeks maud B mcdonald lew le na B nazer alice B dalton delia dodds adella C morrill milton neilson james B davenport fannie C jones joseph W smith nellie smith annie B Forthe ringham ellen H ross rosa rachel E mcconnell sylvanus evans alexander robb alice B robb mabel H gillis sylvia jones mary D dadail DA ada dair r adelia D adair sadie patterson gomer richards vernon heap elsie L anderson win vm 1 matheson delia matheson eliza S barton jonathan prot hero jesse lemmon lem on wm n T morris jr ettie or am john C bevans CE evans vans neta L bigler nora H madson ivan matheson |