Show the kin kind ayou you have always bought HIS is ia the caution applied to the public announcement of chas of 11 castoria fletcher teher that for T has as been manufactured under the a supervision evve call the attention respectfully 30 the genuine castoria Ca atoria we bears over years castoria to lee that the wrapper rat of fathers and mothers when purchasing la is removed the same signature BiR nature appears his signature in black when the wrapper have used castoria tor for who ho v parents on both sides or of the bottle bottle in red counterfeits counter feita and in ia the post past years need no warning against their air little ones of the generation younger imitations but our present duty is ia to call the attention medicines on to the fr roat oat danger of introducing into their families now spurious engaged in tho the it is to be regretted that there are cople who are what ot of substitutes or aorta pr all bellini nefarious business of putting up and set ing preparations not medicinal termed counterfeits counter feita tor for be should more properly medicines it therefore devolves only for adults but worse yet tor for childrens child adults can do her what she gives on the mother to scrutinize closely that tor for themselves but the child has to rely on 07 r the mothers watchfulness l arza ay 7 ayat the signature of gennene cassorla Castor Ca storla ls always bears assisting ambition i F na S jw men n of ambition with the P on d airi to forge ahead need i crevi revil I 1 ft t fiod fod to help them thein tsu 0 ess iwon sn atty lo 10 oid i al iri e 1 I lve J no st e a daus JAM 91 wa 91 bam barmo 1 rsm X ap a access access food it is made faita from whole hote K ifil lra t barley arf 1 1 nta it s l f rn YA ngoi aal jab I 1 19 0 there ta than n ardi ordinary err t j oj 11 W i ab ov I 1 T lull ROD abow ila I 1 isn n dil ji j jya Jy abins 3 h I 1 I 1 att ctt v r arh P ARX 0 UK ja I 1 rial estt bicaj 3 r g ral awat st fhate 0 of potash otas etc often i lack it mya ir iu bjes sentral t to tho roligh r 40 ad SP r TP 1 iiii lt IT i yo i ft r n a u ni ape e ayt ats 8 is s partially pre L 11 digested and a gleea with all it i the 1 lideal r foad for ii 1 child a fi f i nnie nn iJ 0 19 I 1 aill alit J ti irh ir h wl irl V ilice Ili cf fj 0 is ik anc k ac thare Th pre r e f pj at i xa ad sold by grocer grocers e everywhere ery where |