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Show Class Work Will Be Resumed Re-sumed Tomorrow Morning, Says Superintendent '-The Grant Bchool building is a Bccne of busy activity today, whero, under tho direction of superintendent or buildings, Charles A. Marriott, and Principal Henry Barker, workers are cleaning up the class rooms in preparation prepar-ation for the opening of school tomorrow. tomor-row. "None of the youngsters will like tho nevs,"said W. Karl Hopkins, superintendent su-perintendent of trie city ochool 'system this morning, "and some of the teachers teach-ers wont be just tickled to death, but we are happy to think that the fire department got on the job so quickly that the damage, though extensive enough, is not so great but that we ' can tackle It and have the place clean enough to open work again tomorrow morning. ) Mr. Hopkins said that the heat gen- crated by the fire had been so intense that It had broken the thermometers in many of tho rooms, and burst the transoms open. "That was great heat when you remember that the thermometers ther-mometers register 130 dogrces. I cannot can-not speak too highly of the prompt l and efficient work of tho fire depart- uienl,"' concluded Mr. Hopkins. |