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Show I; NEGRDNCHEC I Taken From Officers By l Crowd and Hanged White Youth Sent to Jail. GIRL TIED TO TREE ; ! AND THROAT CUT I Bars Pried From Jail, Culprit Dragged Out and Drawn Up to 'Phone Pole. PITTSBURG-, Kas., April 19. An unidentified negro, said to have attacked a young white girl near Mulberry, Kansas, this morning, morn-ing, was taken from officers by a i crowd late today and hanged. A I ' white youth captured with the negro, ne-gro, was taken to the county jail at Girard. The girl was found this morning tied to a tree with her throat slashed. slash-ed. A railway switch crew located the negro and white youth late today to-day several miles away. 3 hey were taken to Mulberry where Sheriff Gould took them hi charge. A crowd surrounded the jail and when the 15-year-old girl identified identi-fied the negro as her assailant, he was taken from the officers and banged. The attack upon the younj woman wo-man took place while she was going go-ing to Mulberry from her home. She was found tied tc two trees by a small boy. Kcr throat was slashed. According to physicians, however, she probably will recover. recov-er. After their capture the negro and youth were taken to Mulberry where officials announced the young woman and the youth iddn-tified iddn-tified the negro as the assailant. News of the arrests spread rapidly rap-idly and the mob soon gathered. Then while part of the crowd held the officers back, others pried the ibars from the jail window, dragged drag-ged out the negro and led him to the telephone pole. A rope was ! .produced and the hanging took I, :place. j ; The negro's body was cut down 1 :by officers tonight and sent to . Mulberry. ' None o Uio members of the mob had 3ieen arrested tonight, according to re-, ."jiorts. Sherirr Gould of Crawford county, started for Mulberry on receipt of word 1 jhaL the mob was forming. He r.rrlv- t?d as the crowd started for the jaH. j jfc was overpowered and waa compelled com-pelled to stand vlth his arms about a1 pole while the negro was being hang-. 0(1. ; Sheriff Gould Jook office last wck ' following the resignation of G. C j Webb, against -whom ouster proceedings proceed-ings were begun, in connection -with ! t.s action in permitting Alexander Jl. llbwatt and three other mine officials; in jail al Girard for contempt of court j to,' address a gathering of miners from ' the Jail. ! .The white youth held gave his name, as 13. F. C. Workman and his age as i 16, officials announced. It also was' stated the young woman had confirm- J fc the boy's statement that he. had refused to assist the negro In the at-j tack. nn - |