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Show v uu i COST TO PRODUCE ! COAL $2.32 A TON ' - . i i WASHINGTON. April 20 Tho trade commission announced It cost $2.32 a ton to produce coal in Jan-, uary this year as compared with an i average of $2.04 a ton per month for! 1 9 1 S. The figures were based on re-, ports obtained by tho commission under un-der the order which Justice Bailey ruled was invalid and came from 5S9 operators. j The average sales realized for, January was-$2.7S a ton as compared with $2. CO in mis In the case of 1,-272 1,-272 operators, leaving a margin between be-tween cost of production and saleB realization of forty-six cenls a ton in January as compared with an average of flfty-slx cents In IMS. This did not represent the actual profit, however, ; since production costs submitted did ; not include soiling expense, interest, excess profits tax and other iteniH. Of the total jirodumtlon cost per ton In January by far the largest Item was labor, amounting to $1.74 1 as compared with $1.49 in 1918. ( |