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Show uu FEDERAL GRAND JURY INDICTS 27 STRIKERS LOS ANGELES, Calif., April 19. Indictments charging 27 persons, declared de-clared to have been concerned in the railroad switchmen's strike in southern south-ern California with violation of the Lever food law, wero returned by the federal grand jury hero late today. Warrants for the arrest-of tho accused ac-cused wero Issued by Judge B. F. Bledsoe Bled-soe of tho United States district court and turned over to United States deputy depu-ty marshals. Ball was fixed at $5,000 in each case. The returning of the Indictments followed fol-lowed an nil-day "session of the jury at which fifty witnesses wero exam ined, including both strikors and "loyal" "loy-al" trainmen. R. A. Edwards, grand lodge representative of the Brotherhood Brother-hood of Railway Trainmen, who has been conducting the brotherhood fight against the "outlaws," was one of those who testified, Barnes of those indicted were not madopublic. rtri |