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Show & g g f2 gi&p -r,BP g s 9 t ' REPORT VILLA READY TO HELP SONORA FEDERAL F 3RGE I Clash Between Carranza and Sonora Armies to Take !' Place Soon THOUSANDS WILL BE USED IN ASSAULTS i t Members of Villa Band Re- , ported Gathering at Points ! for Military Activity ; ACGA PRIETA. Sonora, April 201 , Both Sonora and federal Mexican loaders continued preparations today! for the clash of forces which both sides expect as a result of Sonora 'si recent withdrawal from adherence to the Carranza government. Sonorans, heartened by reports that Villa had aligned himself definitely with their i movement. Went about placing troops , to prevent an Incursion of Carranza ! troops from Chihuahua and, at El Paso, and Cases Grandes, efforts) wont forward to prepare an Invading force. In planning the defense of their state, the Sonora leaders are putting i large reliance upon Yaqui and Maya Indians. Military expzrrts here com-1 i mented on the fact that General Fran-! ' cisco UrbalcJo, a federal leader, who according to press, dispatches, arrived at Juaryerdayj'ith , txoops des-, tlnojl For 'the , march gnSononi Mm self Is "a Yaqurr ' " " C'nrraimi Determined I Gonoral Urbalejo. Juarez reports de-' clared, brought word that Carranza planned to send G5.000 men against I Sonora, instead of fifty thousand as I reported some days ago. Two train-, train-, loads of troops accompanied him to Juarez, and he said, 21 trainloads j more were to come. Some troops, he said, already had left distant stations in the states of Vera Cruz, Puebla, Morelos and Jalisco. 'Discussing plans of the Sonora lcad- ers to meet any Invaders from Chihua-, Chihua-, hua at Pulpito Pass, General Urbale-j Urbale-j jo was quoted as saying he would not 'pass "within miles" of that passage through the mountains. Many of his ' troops are Yaquis and originally were from Mlchoacan, where rising against the Carranza government was report-ed report-ed officially last Sunday. He said other oth-er troops would be started against I Sonora through the west coast port of I Manzanlllo. I .No more news rrom Sonora forces I advancing against federal garrisons In ' Sinaloa was at hand this morning. I These forces hoped to take Mazatlan and Teplc. the latter the capital oC I the state of Nyrit, this week. Villa Gets Busy Reports that Villa was active in Chihuahua, Chi-huahua, In support of the Sonora movement, were brought to the border bord-er at Juarez today by Americans who said small bodies of men, somo of them former federals but all believed to be of his commands, were hurrying hurry-ing westward at many points, asj though bound for a rendezvous. They pointed out, in this connection. Villa's i practice 'of allowing many man pay-1 him allegiance to go to their homes to cultivate crops when he had no use for more than a small band, and said tho movement indicated ho was rallying rally-ing his forces. I Sonora leaders declared they had j numerous reports of risings against iCarranza in Chihuahua, one to-which they attached considerable significance until it was convincingly denied, be-I be-I ing that General Urbalejo had trans-! trans-! forred his allegiance from the Car-' Car-' ranz to the Sonora government. General Francisco Serrano, formerly former-ly president of the chamber of depu- ties in Mexico City and for some timo ' military secretary of General Alvaro i Obregon. reached Nogales yesterday land gave out a statement apparently definitely allying General Obregon , with the Sonora rising. Obregon, j General Serrano declared, was In a 1 "safe place" whence ho could direct j Sonora activities by radio and other I means. |