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Show Scottish Rite Masons Meeting in Salt Lake SALT LAKE. April 20 The thlrty-' thlrty-' fifth reunion of Scottish Rite Masonic 'bodies of Utah started this morning at 9 o'clock In the Masonic temple In Salt Lake, he observance will continue con-tinue tomorrow and Thursday. During the reunion the degrees of Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite from the fourth to the, thirty-second, will be conferred on about 150 Masons. F. C- Schramm, 33rd degree Mason nd sovereign grand Inspector general , In Utah, Is supervisor of all the work, , being assisted by officers of the Jor-I Jor-I dan Lodge of Perfection No. 2, James; Lowe chapter Rose Croix No. 1, Salt Lake Council of Kadosh No. 1 and Utah Consistory No. 1. The following Is the program as arranged ar-ranged by officers: This morning, 9 o'clock, reception of visitors and candidales; 9:30, special spec-ial meeting of Lodge of Perfection; 10, -tth degree Secret Master; 11, 5th degree Perfect .Master; ll:J.o, Cth, 7th and Sth degrees communicated; I 12:30 luncheon. ! This afternoon, 2 o'clock. 9th degree. de-gree. Elu of the Nine: 3. 10th degree, ! Knight Elu of the Fifteen; -1:30, 11th lpth and 1 3th . degrees, communicated; communicat-ed; S, Hth degree, Perfect Elu; 10, lunch. Wednesday m6rnlng, 9:30 o'clock, special mooting of chapter; 9 :4s, loth degree, Knight of the East: 11, lCth degree communicated; 11:15, 17th de-jgroe. de-jgroe. Knight of the East and West; 12:30 luncheon. Wednesday afternoon, 1:30 o'clock, ISth degree, Knight of the Eagle; .3:15. special meeting o council; 4. 19th and 20th degrees communicated: 4:30, 21st degree, Noachlto or Prussian Prus-sian Knight: 5:30, 22nd. 23rd. 24th, 25lh and 20th degrees communicated. 7:30. 27lh degree. Knight Commander of the Temple; S:45, 2Sth degree communicated: com-municated: 9, 29th degree, Scottish Knight of St. Andrew; 10, lunch. , Thursday morning. 9:15 o'clock. 30th degree, Knight of Kadosh; 12:30 luncheon. Thursday afternoon, 1:30 o'clock special meeting of consistory; 2, 31st j .!egreo. Inspector Inquisitor; 7:30, 32nd degree. Mauler of the Royal Secret; Se-cret; 10:30, banquet. |