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Show GREEK VILLAGE HELDBYTORKS Nationalists Bombarding City-Met City-Met by Return Fire of Entrenched Greeks CONSTANTINOPLE, April IS. (By the Associated. Press.) A delegation of- Greeks arrived today to appeal to tho Greek patriarch and the allies to send assistance to a Greek village about fifty miles east of Ismld. on the Zonieh railway. Nationalists bombard ed the village on April 11, and it was burning when the delegation letf April 12. The village has 6,000 Greek and 300 Armenian' inhabitants The surrounding surround-ing population is Turkish and has joined with the Natlonalisl troops. Three English occupational forces, however, are unable to send relief without instructions. When- Greeks" ih the" village refused to surrender their arms, the Turks opened fire. The Greeks had entrenched en-trenched and were making every effort ef-fort to defend the village, when the delegation left. Asseminate Turk. LONDON, April 19. Osman Moun-ta, Moun-ta, a follower of Essad Pasha, has been assassinated at Croin, Greece, according to a despatch to the London Lon-don Times. He brother, out of revenge. re-venge. Is reported to have killed the governor and the . police director of Goritzia and the son of the murderer. |