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Show oo COL. HASBROOK, NOTED NEWSPAPER MAN, DIES RICHMOND. Va.. Aug. 19. Colonel Charles lv Hasbrook. 73 ye.ir old, W editor and manager of the Richmond Times-Dispatch fur the lost six year: died at his residence late yesterday' of heart failure. He had been In 11J, health since his return from the Derm ocratlc national convention at San Francisco W Except for a few years' service as M collector of internal revenue in Mis-sourl. Mis-sourl. Colonel Hasbrook devoted most mM of his time to newspaper work, com-m com-m ncing under Melville E. Stone, then city editor of the Chicago Inter-Ocean In later years Colonel Hasbrook wtui city editor, managing editor and fi-nally fi-nally part owner of the Kansas City Times from which city he went to N'exv York as publisher of th Morning Ad-vertiser Ad-vertiser and Commercial Adverxlsi oo LaaaH |