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Show ADVENTURES- OF THE TWINS I BY OLIVE ROBERTS BARTON H t i .. Igtsi PRICKLES PORCUPINE HIS STORE. "Prickles Porcupine alwajc pays on time," remurked Tlngallng to tho twins, "so we'll all go around to his j house now. Prickles keeps a store "underneath tho old red oak." ' So they set their faces in the direction direc-tion Prickles lived, and, after walking 'about an hour, all but 55 minutes, they camo to a little hill covered wllh big stones and a few trees. They could seo Prickles' sign quite plainly tacked up ocr hla doorway: "Do you hnvo any balloons?" asked gH Nick. "Ha. ha! That's not hardware, that a M noftwarc." laughed the spiny store- H keeper. "No, son, I don't hnndlo thorn. H They'd burst llko shooting crackers if H 1 touched them." 11 "What do you sell?" asked the llttl H boy curiously. H "Collandors principally, although i -H also specialize In salt chakcrs, peppef l dusters and watering pota." H Suddenly Tlngallng cxclalCied, IH ' Why. Prlcklos, what on earth Is the mutter with your celling. It's a; fulj Tlngallng Introduced his friends, the twins, nnd Prickles shook hands H with them, too. H PRICKLES PORCUPINE Dealer In Fine Hardware. "Woll, well," said Prlcklos. putting down his newspaper. "Just look who's here!" And he held out a rather thorny paw to shake hands. Tlngallng Introduced his friends, the twins, and Prickles shook hands with them, too. Nancy and Nick decided that if they over made another visit to His Honor, they would slip their mittens Into their pockets beforo starting. start-ing. "Can't sell you anything, can I?" asked Prickles. of holes as a Swiss cheese!" M "Oh," explained the other. "I Just H fell out of bed the other night." H "And your wall!" IH "I got a llttlo dzzy one day and H leaned against It." H "And your floor!" HJ "I'm doing gymnastics to keep from H getting too fat. I roll across It twice HJ a day." HJ Tlngallng didn't say anything, but H be did some thing. He wrote beside HJ Prickles' name in the rent-book, HJ "Rent doubled to cover repairs!" HJ (Copyright. 1920, N. E. A.) |