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Show MAYS STARTED HIS CAREER IN UTAH UNIFORMS Carl Maya, New York pitcher who threw the ball which killed Itay Chap-in.-.n of the Cleveland club, etarted his Ibftgeball career In Utah a pumbcr Of ears nxo Mays twirled tor the Price teem in the opal, leagiu; ,n Southern ( t.ih during iTi.- first seas.,11 and foi llwo or three years was a star on aemi-pro aemi-pro clubs. I In the early part of the 1911 season Mays inv.i led lioia'.- anil asked tor a trial with the Kotse club of the Weat- 1 n Trl-8tate league. His requeet was granted and Maya hurled auprekne ball or the club during that season During Dur-ing that year Fred Bossner of Ogden v:i- president of the Western Trl-State Kague. The following year he was drafted foi the draft price of $300 by the Portland club of the Northwestern league. Kor two season Maya hurled winning ball foi th, Portland aggre- Utlon, finally being drafted by the Providence club of the Eastern league from which team he later went to the Boston club of the American league. He refused to report to Ihe Boston club this season und wa.s purchased bv the V aplc ccs for a fat sum. Maya has an underhand delivery and la rated as one of the best mound nu n in the big show His record thus far I this season ranks with the best in the 1 It ..gue. In speaking of Mays today Fred 'Boaancr said: "Mays has no bad hab-'tts hab-'tts and during my experience with him always found him to be a clean athlete land a model for the others to follow rhft accident is unfortunate and is ;si;re to effect the pitching of the Now I Yorker." |