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Show ' 'm BEDTIME STORIES '.-Ml BY HOWARD R. GARIS gHf CNCLI-: WIOOIL.Y ANI) TlII HKI) Vl'aH I'l.OU'CR H Copyright, 1020, by McClure ,N'cs- ilH )niKr Syndicate JrH (By lIOYVAni) H. GAltlS) TH "Well, "Wlggily. aro you nil ready?" ' iKk aakad Nurse Jnno Fuzzy Wuzzy on iJjR afternoon, as she came out on tho ' eW stoop of tho hollow s,tunip bungalow, b MpW where Uncle Wlgglly was giving his F wm . tall silk hat a sun bath. H Jft? "All ready for what, Nurse Jane?" tjHf naked the bunny, twinkling hit) pink nose extemporaneously like and pulck -'JHaV "" you mcan to cal Home Ico cream ViW ant' drm,c lemonade, why, 1 am always , pSlfl ready for that In tho summer " , !3fjB "Well, they may have lemonade and I !5B 'co cream where we aro going." laugh- ' V H c1 tno nnls,:rnt ,ftdy housekeeper of '' S lnc hollow utump bungalow. "At least f iL'iJH hope so, for your sake." $ 3B "Why, where In the world arc we r iHI going?" asked tho bunny gentleman. ri5H making one ear look frontward and flffH l,1 otncr backward. jaBr H "Dear me, Wlggy, How forgetful you J5 -f-H aro " laughed Nurse Jane. "Don't you .j;4W remamber you promised to go calling HgyffJ with mc over to see Mrs. "Wlbblowob- Mir'rgfr Q'Q' lno duck lady, today? Come tjj-U nlong!" kf"jB "Oh, my goodness me, sakes alive vAvJBR "d some red flannel underwear!" fjllpjpW cried the bunny gentleman. "Did I rlflag? promise that?" fc "k,(yW "You certainly did." sniffed Nurse 'yWCI Jane, "and Just so you will look nice, CggMgaU j hore Is a red flower for your button- Kammflfcur -" hole," and going to tho garden sho fpflHK) picked a big red geranium and fust- &Xjk onod It on Uncle Wigglly's coat. H . i "Oh, Oh! Do I have to wear that?" H asked the bunny, fusocd up like. H -a ' "Of course!" answered Nurse Jane. yA "AH gentlemen, when they go calling. M y wear a red flower In their buttonhole." efB0 "But not red'" cried Unclo Wlggily. jRd "Red is most becoming to you," said Epyj Nurse Jane. "Como nlong, give me f,& your paw!" And, leaning on Unclo JmfcMk WIgglly's paw real stylish like, nnd dWBa ' propor, Nurse Jane set off to call on &m&M jiCr friend Mrs. "Wlbblewobble, tho fllHl duel; lady, who was tho mother of HH Liulu, Alice and Jlmmie, tho duck chll- VUgfl clrcn. Zrfm Unclo Wlgglly looked at the red jj flower In his buttonhole and he hoped jftjH ho wouldn't meet Graudpa Goosey SHB Gander or Mr.' Whitewash, the polar '-jHi bear gonllemnn. jgm "They'd surely lnugh at mc for M wonrlng a red flower." thought the K,4 bunny. So. every now and then, ho atl took off his tall silk hat, ns though .jKm it waa too hot for his head, and he !n held it over tho red poslo In his but- I'iMli, lonhole he hold his hat, I mean, not Wttl "Wlgglly, what aro you doing?" said 'kk Nurse Jane, when he had taken off his tlrHgW hat aoout frty 'loven times. "Are you triav bowing to animal ladles 1 don't ilrCM Know?" llprl' ,ji "Oh, no." answered Uncle Viggily1 gjjpJL and ho didn't want to toll her he wan iWB 0 fooling a bit silly about wearing her ImD by" ik, flower. IB? 2i8I At 'ust Unclo "Wlgglly and Nurse IB Jane reached the duck houso of Mrs. ! Wlbblewobble. H "Oh, come right In!" she quacked. IH ''And how nice nnd BWllsh Uncle Vlg- BH glly looks with that red flower on his 1 Hr black coat." I : v "Yes, but T guess he wouldn't have ,' ' 'worn It if I hadn't mado him," said I ly. Nurso Jane, giving another sniff through hor whiskers. "Ho doesn't mi ,know what style means." lie "I should say not." quncked Mr?. !& "Wlbblewobble. So while tho muskrat 11 and duck ladles talked, Unclo "Wlg- II glly hoppod arouikl. When he was out I of sight of Nurso Jape he took tho red U K flowor out of his coat and laid It on M tho table. But when It came time to Pig go the muskrat lady said: flf''? "Oh, Uncle VlggIly! You dropped Hg; your red flowor!" Then sho picked it HT up and put It In tho bunny's button- k hole again, and Uncle "Wlgglly twlnk- Hk led his pink nose. H ' Tho bunny rabbit and Nurse Jnno Br wore about half way home when, all Kg 'Of a sudden, It began to rain very hard ; "Oh, my new hat! My new dross!" II , j-""" cried Nurse Jane. "We haven't an tim- ,. lrella and thy'll be upollod." H "Well, the rain will be good for this II -M- rotl flower, anyhow," Bald Uncle Wlg-jmVm Wlg-jmVm ' -gil sarcastic like, which ho hardly VII ever was. MB .",h, get me a cab-rgct.pie a strict Kll; if car get me a Jitney got'-mo'a taxi - gggS eggggHg'k'4 anything to keep mo from getting wet!" cried Nurso Jane. Uncle "Wlgglly looked down the path from where ho and Nurse Jane stood under a tree, nnd saw Mr. Mud Turtle driving his taxi along Just ahead, "HI thoro! Taxi!" cried the bunny. "Oh, he'M a slow poke, but his taxi would be bettor than nothing! Stop him!" cried Nurse Jane. "I'm trying to!" said Unclo Wlgglly. "Hi there! Taxi Taxi!" he called, louder than before. "Oh. .1 forgot. Mr. Mud Turtle Is deaf." cried Nurse Jane. "He can't hear us! He Isn't very far off. but u I como out from under this tree I'll bo soaked with rain. Can't you stop him in some way?" "Hollering will do no good," said Uncle Wlgglly "If I only had a " Then he saw the red flower In his buttonhole. but-tonhole. Talcing it out Uncle Wlgglly threw It as far and as hard as he could. Tho red flowor landed on tho path, right in front of Mr. Mud Turtle. Tur-tle. Though he was deaf he could see very well and he saw the red blossom. blos-som. "Ha! Red means danger! Who is warning me of danger?" thought tho turtlo taxi driver. He looked around and then he saw Nurse Jane and Uncle Wlgglly under the tree. Mr. Turtlo Tur-tlo turned his taxi around and wont back and got them, so Nurso Jane 'didn't get very wet aftor all. "I guess It's a good thing I wore the red flower," said the bunny. And if the pussy cat doesn't roll the breakfast break-fast egg off the supper table and make It break a hole through the floor. I'll tell you next about Uncle Wlgglly and Jackie's Jitney. |