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Show I "ASPIRIN" WARNING I Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for 20 years and proved safe by millions. Name "Bayer" has same meaning as 14 Karat on gold. 'P SAFETY FIRST! Accept only an "unbroken package" of fl Eenuine "Bayer Table's of Aspirin," which contains proper direc- ,i tiuns tor Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheuma- ' tism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and lor pain generally. Strictly American! Handy tin boxes of 12 tablcU eo; but a f"w cents- Larger package. 'I Aspirin it lai trsd mrlt at Flav.r If ouffcetur of MoBoactlaaotdtatr oi SallcTlloaria Hm ' SPECIAL PRICE BATHING SUIT SALE An excelknv opportunity to select a bathing suit from our entire stock at a decided reduction. Men's cotton suits, value $2, J: y 0 . Men's wool suits, value $5, ASaVBaT Men's wool suits, value $7, . r-':f ale $5-00 $M Men's wool suits, value $9. t mjm sale $7.50 Boys' heavy cotton suits, val- Bgwfi;. . uc $1.65, sale $1.25 Giifs' heavy cotton suils, val- Hk ue $2, sale $1.65 , g ! G'rls' wool suits, value $5.50, ' ' sle $4.75 Ladies' cotton suits, value $2.25, sale $1.75 Ladies' wool suits, value $7, tT'Jjtl sa'c $6.15 WC Ladies' wool suits, value $10, sale r.$7.75 The above is only a partial list of the splendid values vhich may be obtained while the stock lasts, jAQ-'jjmruy Baos. jLo: " 7451 I1JDSON Vt i-" FONC TOUT I , Z H T J evcnvTHiNC rcn eveny sport for nvcav FSgksoN I WJtLM-mi ' it aaaaaaaaMMssa sss assas a Our View of Article 10, LEAGUE OF NATIONS Things which CAN and things which CANNOT CAN-NOT be done. You can't take the BULL" out of Johnny. You can't take the ' Germ" out of Germany. YOU CAN T TAKE THE MERITS OUT OF THE AEROPLANE FOLDING PAPER BOX, But you CAN vote for Harding, (or you CAN vote for Cox ) 1 Call at Room 320 Hudson Bldg. and get interested in one of the finest business propositions of this day and age Aeroplane Folding Box Co. 320 Col. Hudson Building GREAT SALE OF R ! USED AUTOMOBILES and TRUCKS 1 AN OPPORTUNITY FOR ONE TO PICK UP A CAR OR TRUCK AT A SUR- 1 1 PRISINGLY LOW PRICE I i FORDS, BUICKS, DODGES, CHANDLERS, COMMERCE AND REO 8 I TRUCKS, PAIGES, AND MANY OTHER POPULAR MAKES. I FIRST COME, -FIRST SERVED. TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES. 1 SAVAGE MOTOR CO. j 1 COR. OF 25TH ST. AND GRANT AVE., NEXT TO ELKS' CLUB I BBHBaaSBBBMaasM REMARKABLE RECOVERY Extraordinary Curative Power of Lydia E. Pink- j ham's Vegetable Compound. Philadelphia, Pa. " I want to let you 1 know what good Lydia FL Pinkham's I llllinilllllllililliilllilll Vegetable Com- llllllllBSsalJll Pund has done me. II Uiary.Bml I had organic trou- i wy . , . t through the Chango '( saJM L't'c- I was taken I HLbbbbm ncne could not ! 9He OW71. could not I eat or sleep. I suf- 11' BBBBBBBBBBfl er something ' i jfijjK' terrible and the doc- I aJBaTJ tor's medicine did j me no good at all mv pains got worse I instead of better. 1 began taking the Vegetable Compound SIM felt a change I fri m the fint. Now 1 feel fine and ad- i vis- any one going through the Change of Life to try it, for it cured me after I had given up all hopes of getting better. You can publish this and I will tell any one who writes to mo the good St has done m" Mrs, Margaret Dan, 748 N. Ktfa Street, Phila.. Pa. It hardly seems possible that there is a woman in" this country who will con- I tinuo to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound' a trial after all the evidence that is continually 1 being published, proving beyond contradiction contra-diction that this grand old medicine hai relieved more suffering among women ji than any other medicine in the world. ' TIKE KF1IITE WITH MEMS IN SIKTK I Your Nerves Demand It, Your Blood 1 Needs It, Say Physicians. Then hot I phosphorous In mod- I crn foods to benefit nearly one-halt of 'ho H mi und women of America, scientists dc H iu overcome nun inrK oi Rn eiomcni. bbbbb of your body thnt Is necessary to your B i liMllh. Ncnir haiiplnosa and even J our H success In life, weak, anaemic, natrons,- H mn down people arc advised to take mtro-) H Phosphit - ns rilrin PRcd In leading drug H hi He- nrlKln.il pMi-ksge. H Spenkinu' of people who are easily fa- H llK'iil who lack ambition, nerve und are H ofttimes thin, weak and sadly larking in firm, i" inii flesh Joseph i, Hai.ican li, formerly Visiting Speclallat North East- era DlapenssrTi ft. V . says- H "Patients who were apparently physt- B cal wreck, who foolishly thought tney PjVH needed only a blond tonic to enrich thW HjhjhH blood, have come for treatment tremhilnt? pHVH and shaking, their ncrvo force almost tx huusted and In nn.v fuc-Ii cases the :nl. pHVH ministering of Uli i o-Phosphate has pro- H duced seemingly m.igtcal results." HpBpJ P.-ople who fe i (In- heat of summer. tire easily and of1 en become Irritable and H depressed, will tfcnd Bltro-Phoapbate un in pBVH ' xpens'.ve and helpiul friend pBV lirugKiMts repoi t a wonderful Increase HBVJ In l in- ilei'i-ind fr m nun and women who JHJHJJ are anxlOUS to n IISW old lime ambition HBVH Hnd who are VnaKlng an honest effort to BVjHJS laconic vigorous arid keen minded with a PjhHb power of enduranc. that denotes almost pjHjB perfect health. The nsk for Pltro Phosphate liecaue Mi. Know they ii i d an inexpensive or- HHVH gmnlc phosphate Advertisement. H ACIDS III STOMACH CAUSE INDIGESTION I Create Gas, Sourness and Pain. How to Treat. Medical authorities state that nearly I nine tentlis of tin- i nscs nf tomach trou- JSJ hie. Indigestion, sourness, burning, gus. i bloating nausea, etc.. are due to an ex-cess ex-cess of hydrochloric arid In the stomach nnd not as some believe to a lark of dfi Siestlvs Juices The delicate stomach tin ilng Is Irritated, dlge.-tion Is delayed and BwjBS (foo-l sours, causing the dlsagfeenhle symp-i symp-i toms which every stomach sufferer knows O well Artificial dlsaatenta are not needed in I such cases anil may do real harm. Try HjVH laying aside all digestive aids and instead j k'ct from any dnigglst a few ounces of ' Bl an rated llasjnssla and take a teaspoon-: teaspoon-: ful In a quart r Slaas of water right after entlnk-. Tin- sweetens the stomach, pre-vents pre-vents the formation of exerm acid and there Is no sourness, gas or pain. Bleu-rated Bleu-rated Magnesia (In powder or tablet form - never ll'i'iiil oi milk) Is harmless lo th stomach. Inexpensive to take and la the 'most efficient form of magnesia for stonu r h purposes. It Is used by thousands of people who enjoy I heir meals with no J mure fear of indigestion. Advertisement. DON'T I DESPAIR I If you are troubled with pain9 or i aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful passage pass-age of urine, you will find relief in COLD MEDAL I Tb world's standard ratnedy for kidnaj. livtr, bladder and uric acid troubleaand Nsiior.al Rsmsdy of Holland unci 1606 Three sixes, all druggists. Guaranteed. Look for Iha nets Gold Modal oo every kes &d .cc.pt bo IceitaOoa i essa ( 1 ) eaaa ) 4Ibb o 4Sbb -eoaa o 0M QUIT TOBACCO j I So easy to drop Cigarette, 1 Cigar, or Chewing habit I i ! , 4aajp ( i jb 1 1 apjs o sassBi i eassj q ob i 4m NO-To-Bac has helped thousands to break the costly, nervc-shatterlna; to- bacco habit. Whenever you have a longing for a smoke or chow. Just place u harmless No-To-Bae tablet In H your mouth Instead. All desire stops. Shortly the habit Is completely broken jand you are bolter off mentally, physl- cally, financially. It's so easy, so slm- pie. Get a box of No-To-Bac and if 1 It doesn'l release jou from all craving for tobacco In any form, you druggist will refund your money without ques-,tion. ques-,tion. No-To-Bhi is made by the own-lers own-lers of Cascarets; therefore is thor- OUaThly reliable- Adv. H MkmkmM TkWm mm mmm |