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Show GOVERNOR COX UTTERS STRONG PLEA FQRLEAGUE Economic Readjustment Bound Up in Issue, Candidate Declares De-clares to Throng AGAIN ACCUSES G. 0. P. I OF BEING REACTIONARY' Senator Penrose. He Said, Held Up Move to Abolish Tax Burden I BOTJTH BlSND, Tnd . Aug. 19 National Na-tional and International financial and itconomical readjustment us well as the lilffh cost of living, are bound up In the success of the league of nations.' Governor COS declared today at a, I i.,, Klin u 1 i.uuiiu t,uilivi lllK "Our safety, our economic readjustment readjust-ment and our prosperity," ull are Involved In-volved in America s making the league Of world force, he asserted iiiariiinj the Republican senate oligarchy in economic progress and helmed reduction reduc-tion living costs. The Democratic candidate will ypeak tonight ai iho .Indiana Democratic editors' bamjuct. "With the least possible delay alter March 4. 191'i, our pledge is to enter the league, making such additions as utrc reassuring mm helpful," Governor C6j added LKG llil V END H This will legally end the war; it win lulp t o establish credits, A call in be made upon our wealth ami oui productive skill We wilt have the & ui i to sail every sen; th aupply of ii . s essentiala will be eopaj io the demand; living costs win o reauced, What vi aouid otherwise be apend-i"i apend-i"i iin.s ami powder wouid be l pplled lo our war ilobl and above all hn Win be nappy in the consciousness Uiiat war la practically impossible OFF! ,KS LONG in i , . j "Th.- opposition otters, at uie best. ysr long ilelay. Wliat project li J.as as a suostilute for the league of Illations, no one knows, or at least no :'ii- has ever attempted to describe it or to name It. The o,uestio:i of the league of nations, theietore. becomes Increasingly the laaue in thl.s campaign ,;or the very leaaon tnai it nulves our scfety, ou;- economic readjustment and our prosperity. The air is clearing the i...im a ret o of hypocrisy thrown out ; by the senatorial oligarchy has been I pierced and ever) uaj between now and November win witness the gradual grad-ual retreat of the forces ... reaction, 'there is not enough money m the ! .rld lo slop U." ReitL-ratliiK his charge of reacting uiit the K. publican UaLleis. Jo - ''nor cox added; t 11 IRUUfi KI CKAII.I) "If they should lollovv ihclr own steps baikwuril. and thes are so usf-d 'o moving In that direction thai they would noi need a compass, tiiev would f.nd that every condition against which they inveigh is of their own creation. Ihey discuss the high cost of living v, ltnout apparently realizing that in a large measure they are responsible fdr the beiated aettlmg dowp ot condition! condi-tion! whim have continued the hlKh t c.t of living. "If the le.igui- of nation, had bern! K.tlflf-d montlis uko, exchange would1 have been stabilized. Europe could hae Mtarted Its work of rehabilitation ,U countries would not have made a drain upon our tood euppllea in fact Lnrope would be buying tho things Which we can spare 1 be result of thi wouid bo self-evident. War taxes which should have been modified or repealed when the war was over were! not touched and the Republican oil-! i n i in- mwh w Birscily respon-1 jslble." Senator Penrose, of Pennsylvania. I Governor Cox declared. was lnstru-1 niental in preventing reduction of war I taxes "on the theory that the people would blame the executive ether than tll congressional administration," for' failure to abolish bUrdehSOOM toxa-l lion. Much of the national debt of all countries. Governor Cox said, wnsi caused by the race In armament add-1 ! lng: If the world does not proceed to arm itself to the teeth, if the cost of armament is diverted to the payment' Of Interest and slnklnK fund on the' bonded debt, then there Is more than1 n hope that civilization can work Its Wag out to a sound footing financially and socially. |