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Show , i I FOR L- saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa vw -v" amwwnM N KfVK room mMem b'maralnw. Csh n H trmi. fw orr Drinker. M1 H St terra In the Klr-Mal district, only t" W nfiff, Vmflf water, ft B i-iml, aha.reai Th'r- H frl wn o( 'IS'WV Mt &' pr rn H Thr er ' not a f nm'f mi! will awrrl H fkrn mi it mmt H SO rna on atate flva room hwiM. 1 arood Un1 and wor: b the mow). SSM9. H T"m H row tram, waron ptart. nd all crop. H r"hm- Hotter look It ovrr H I10.&AO T'nri ' , S3 area at flo- mttea f-e Or4n Toti ahouM ae- tMfl P'ee " h"n LH rented for aerer! r-ea ' CMI rnt H Thla la I per on 17(94 Iyn M plra-a thla year Prlee naif CUR. H baJan-e five y'tr at 7 per rent B n arrra at Morran Good rtht. H Pin lan1 Good rropa. aomc machinery. H MffM aae-1- 'vn OtM 'he boat In 1 nar nrnr Trementnn N arm in b-eia. tmfanee alfalfa an1 arrain: N full water rleht rr4 lm.ro i menta. full NH Bt of Im plernenta murhlnen horaea. ftVM rewi and rhl-lcn L' en I hir.s needed Ion J a fail m of thla km-1 Tl la ll ' MM MMM Sow la tha. time to buy. You avee hat mVtMmmm SMITH at VLINPKRS CO. LjL fpi'Air I l:-.nU BttH HH LOT for ml or AdSfDl CbSSP takrn H ' 1 ' 4 KaVW rr.ooern hollow H thHiarhotit Thla la the mort durable B hullt hnuae Ita alze In town Price rea rEKH aonx' t M'mrr.e " I I mgmmK ptvr: room brirk hmngtlmW modem. SOSS j AaWH Mi " H fVK room frame nouae. arnavll payment ( 'vbbbbbbbbbbV Sown, real on terma. 2"5 Liberty arenoe. BT OWNER Modern " buni rne in ball location m dtj V faUv j menta too Twnt fourth Phone ffli J OUARA: TV MORTGAGE ro mm Wml Sf ' Rina four room modern cement bnae- r , ,r.t cIom In on porod I frcntatr- Terma. S I4J ajff ni n beautiful four room ninnio y MX c,n the bench, haa arum wood trim, hnrd- f L wood floor. hullt In featuro. frnraa;e. MM larpe lot with lawn nnd flowers ever) a.. mm thtnK In A ehnpe. Term' Vi $" "" 1 . wl i. f MmZMj Pua a new bun;alow of acratchfd brick j nnd white ntiirco v.tv allrctle ptrlct USH lv modern, all built In fntureo. oak PfMXwXm floon and the location la the beat. B&nBBBBBBBBai Term. famm ijT-AnANTVMonTGAOF.ro 'JaijH Phone- :n ;vi 4i, Trnh fo-irth Pt 1 u: a atfaB I 61 P. rOOfn hnuec : . M hlrd Mrcrt. afl Vo tu nevi bull! houf 3227 and fmrnMm lt7i Plngrce Inquire S02 Thirty fifth i at i.-. t 22r 'ii 1 ff 1 1 '. i:k i r,' lo-ir r..'.m iimif. part I HHfl ly modern. Two four room modern, ex ! mM rrr.t 1 . "I. rnllrnnrl ; ' dial . i Phoni r I I j jf mmW Civr room houae. ctrlctH mcwlorn. with MWW i , r , . 'i i ncoli 1 flL r: v f' room modern brick Hay hOlaaal iiouftc. ara;e lot. nil In beat of condition. WjAWM naonable for fnah. 307 Thirty flrat. mMM LlRbt rc:ri Well WM' rjood purchaaa nt ?croo Tmn if H ... aaM r., no i JM modem well oi th lh pi l ''" 1 Am I terma If deairt d i H p hunter k? lB 431 T-nentN fourth St Phone ISM'J I M k c , M l; TTTTi , .-..I. m i- V . ' ..' v.. I . . I ' 1 1 J " iWNER All loal new flral elaj i m uH eiu ion fiw mom modern, excepl heel HBa-H big :tn(;e. nice luwi.:. pmlm .-lot. SI '"'1 ParSaBaf S1OO0 dov.-n. ISi B month. 1'honc 2367. A M FIVE room modem SOU Adema s- ndRfH tefori- vr.u l.uy 1 hnve man Rood ejcnU 7H In cltv proper! no forms. H. N an BrunK I SOI Thirl 3 11 n T70 w T PH IK'J i i' Keel Eateta and Loena IH 137 i WachltiK-ton jvonuc Ihono 1S76 f .' fol thi piiCO of one I MfmWm preoeed brhk cotlage. modern except Wt mmm ( .,,t fnll niorninc KvenltiRa alter 0 tmm hv appointment "f-2'J Mi nroo avenue. i raona UOj REAL ESTATE AND LOANS) dlv MRS S J EAKER. 2731 Mr.dlaon Pnona f$M : : WANTED I To Rent i kaSBPH . N aaaaaaaiaawwaaaaaaaaapaai . TIIRKE or four room furnllhod or unfur 1 nthed houae. I 0 Hox Phon. " j ecj W. 45b; SV BY couple modern furnished bunnlow H or houae bv Auguct 30 Phone 1302 W FOUR Or flvi ' ..-rn or atj ! , ' ' 1 i m i '' '.! 41 M I i i! K oi f ' . ! in ! "i"' 1 ' I i . fAf I HMALl, furnlahed modern house on bam h. af a Apply Conimeri la I National P ink OM BT koi nt coupia with i" tiuldrcn. AwmAj four or five room houae i'an sivc Kood , i . i. cert tanderd, 392S j FOR RENT j Jf MisceUaneout wieeevwwwwvwvsA aaae H THJUBK Ohio vacuuma. SI day. Phone RTIEC ' pplni fumltni . California before Augubl it. Phone 3265 5Vj M' 'I! M: room for rent "nli Aaheato-e Aaheato-e p, . , 1 HI- i -tQ- r HI '.-XV 3b7r j LOST 'j REAP purae on tmln coming- from La-' goon. Tuesday evening. Phone 3203 V I i ' 4 .i ; MONET not" h containing obo'.it Re-inJ Re-inJ , ward. Please return to Standard office. WOMKN'S vTTT brjt mistake at ribbon counter Wrlrcht'a ! store. Will finder please return to u--1 ' ' ii . 4 ' i PHONOOII U H ...... i:- "i, n to I ru7 i-nsen Aehton Music Co. Phone 796. Re UE ITUER .-. i : dntni I l od r(1 (l t-odak i all 3K.4 .1. K-wnnl ' "4 Miller cord dr.. on rim noMh end o( 'own. Re-turn to HV Thirty-first Phone :3" iicvuii . ' TwenJ Lh i . j i"TTTv ha I ) tween .'. ,t r.d TTirui school and Ixrln Farr Perk. Call 23fv xt 111 'NCI I r - m . i' I ' ,, , i turn b ' ' . 'i ii lh . , t i i JULY 77. Minn.:'. n a I v it h small dwaaondl PtoeMrd l'honc Cheesmnn. I 1 WsiNESS ! L Oppprtunitie OLD et.l.:ishe.. rrrocery. atcedllv Improv ! Ina; buslneM with alx room house, moat dealmble residential spot In the i it K. n. nine good huy. Ik)-: MS, ..n standard - T" 1 " i Im CORtpVMMd .i 1 r is bellifr tjjir-. ., prevent pier and shores from beln,'! worn down by xvaves. XjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaL I FOR SAJJl ; FORD briar In good condition 1J-1 Thlr atti mi I if ftefhen mnur '.' KITCHEN cabinet. ehTfonl"'. fro roe-k era smaJI arte. JJJS Grant. Apartmn' sv ' I TOUKO Jersey cow. 31M Porter Phon- BROWN cocker spaniel, male pet dor PV.nc 77:7 J after j p m. 4 1 1 1 S'K team of horsey. ( Tears old; 1 Jerser cow. 1 Mulck for. truck with atarter ; ML C lam tr-mu WHITE ROBINSON AUTO CO 2300 Washington Phon- ir' 4522 1 laflBaLLLANPOl S furniture: bed. Waah istanda. lamps, abating mach'ne. Ilnoh urn. ' Tw nt. - -i . t ' TWO lone tabvi suitable for store ue. cheap 237 t X ar-hl-.'n 4S 1 1 SEWING machine. Inquire SS x T -ntx n B 1 h 4613 TMItTI.!: I,. ..I i.-r--t . ' ii f..,-. 517 ( tl- Six males, acven females. Muat sacrifice sac-rifice account of no past-ire. Rock hot i torn price Caah or terms See V A i Bahllng. lf Twenh fourth street, or Joa." f r.: -ins. el. f Bjdg 4 u PIT i 110. PhOTie tU 172 Ten t (bird street 44S2 t Fi i.i Feh rofi top i rTTT attident lamp and rug 319 Twentx .'otirfh t ' ONE o itOVf us d but lit tte. 264.1 fnnroo. t4S0 I ' X ' I i " I -,..r.e " I 171 a vi nn. ph'.n '' I 4477 FIVE J nltur With I rn I'ore of renting apartments a nulck touring car almost new. tall hetweeri 2 nnd 6 p. m I Park Apartments No 4 44?r. ' '. pla r pi ii,"- 94)00 en , 7 i lor 440 r ' . : I j i'''.4 : . . f x x man 900 lbs , about 10 reen old gentle. 1612 Canjon Itoad Phono 21 hi M M 'HOP and wood working mnrhlnea at n bargain- nhop 2000 square feet, atom spac.. 1000 square feet. Will sell or lease Phorm Itr, 44;.-, REBL'ILT farm wagon gears with wide tlrea. Sidney Stevens Implement Co.. Og- dn If ii h 4?S i ixi HI XTI N gn.H an'' . r.inr;e coTi range. "lctor phonogmph on'l aewlng ma 'Inn.- I - ' l : s; . . M,. str. f i j FUMED llbrarj table rug and i d I No i. Browning Apartments. r y , . '., . i ..-(.;. xx h'I I'." FKW famlK- cow? for 6!e $75 and S0. 2017 Polk avenue. 4".." ' A K II - ..id ouppll' s. 2354 V.Think ton 407a I ( IRSE for m'. m fi ' 1100 pound M Fourth 376 i ' I I - i .r in. -I :.nt: r TT i in. jn gM PIA.SwS nd ot.l.e.- musical Injatrjm'r' Terms without Interest. Puntotie 2i74 Hudson 903 l.'NCALI..FI for suits, tailor made: hl reduction. Gordon'e Jll-?5 TwamtT-flfth Ht Phone 419 Hfl PAIS'TS AMD VARNISH Buy your p.ilnt at Stowe's and (H's money. 1S00 Washington ax'snua Phone AT jour own price, a good Maxwell. 1 1 Qulncy, , jt E ' I in-. . i t..r in i ' - 'i.dition pl.i.n. SOI i I . i : i :. l ; 1 OBP i , imi r'.vT I .". 1 0 ' 4'ndlllar tourmir seven nnsnrT '''.n 0-erl;nd touting and passenger .... J 900 I Overland louring fir.fi overland louring J BOO Overland touring $ 350 Overland light dcll-cry $ 450 Btudebakar touring 3 500 ! These cars are all In good running con elllion Some of tbeni are rebuilt and re palntl d and t un nnd look like nt xv This lis the best line of ued enrs we ever had i 10 select from aa wc have them at anv price BROWNING AUTO CO 1493 A 7 passenger Sludebnker touring car good running order, new paint A BMP '$750. R T, Mitchell Co.. 243D HuJon Ave 1420 1 ' D CAB BAB : 53 Bulck Four. G-pa&senger. Iolge truck Paige. B-pap.senger i""halmers 0OUP0 Mrixwi'll roadster Muxwell touring WEBER-TAYLOR MOTOR CO 2333 Hudson Ave. Phone 143 M21 x SPLENDID, fan Ij r four cj ilnd r -new top and paint, good tlrea. Will tr::do for c:tx property viiat have you to offer? of-fer? R. T. Mitchell Co.. 2439 Hudson Ave. ' 1 j -.-'"xx IS 10 Hupmoblli ,5-i touring cur, run less than 1000 mlle.i A pargain. P. T. M.ichell Co . CrtO Hudson jc ir.'i 1 : I I 1 1 r' ri .1 S. . , n 1 ndard Examiner 1 IVE - - ' :NGER fix 1 J 'inde-r nnir,,,,,, bile in first class condition. Apply Adama Ave :.990 BE EN paaaenfrei Cadillac in excellent ondltlon. for sale cheap. Inquire 813 1 Tw.-nt fifth 3918 I B M VLL sport roadster, A 1 aha phone i c t 1 n. rsr.i. 1 ' ns yt u SALE C, E rORGASEN, 425 Twenty-third. 1 Phone Ifi.'.l-W. ."71 X , MOSALER COAT. Will trede for chicken? Thone 123 ACRES good fuming nnd paetUN land In north central Oklahoma, with good oil pOWlbilltlee: clear of all Incumbrances: i value $3600. to exchange for five or six . room home In Ogden. Will assume on i-ood place H. S We,t. 2054 Washington '. enue r (g.p n. 4 .L drit Lng hoi and llghl do iblc harness, all In good condition Phone 1 4J SIX room modern house xelth Inconic of 123 per month for smaller place 741 I Waahlngl n (4ss VAN BR1 NT 12 hole wheat drill Never been used. For 2 milch cowa. Phone 1S54 4 1' OVERLAND. n.xrgaln ox ncr . :'' ' j j, . : I 1 nt prefei stock for home yt nr. Phone 333. 1251 I SECONDHAND goods bought and sold T C Iverson. 1640 Washington uvenuc 1 Phone 49. 3975 x 1 i.ik- our aid range as nrwt paaymanl on any new range, or will huy xoiir old ratine outrk-ht Homo Furnl t u r "o 4S7J FOR RENT j Unfurnished THREE room house t Thirty-eighth and ijr.nt Inquire tl grant gpu 1 4 530 THREE monx . , , . ;.:r,,-frcahly ;.:r,,-frcahly paix red. sink In kitchen 4M T- enty-alxtli UAi FOUR romu house. 321.i Ogden nx i 11 No hlldren. 4 ', 1 x 01 t"o fumiahed or unforti housekeeping or sleeping rooms 2'dl . ii nt 1 -lv.. ' bath, gas rnnge and llghu 2S13 Wash :ni.-lori . . !. Pi. on.- 2237 M 1 1 TWO arid 3ioorn nji.irlm.nl'. private bath. Newly kulsernlned. Close In. Phone ' ' T.-mm of Waves along th n..t:i I 1 coast showed ihy had n striking force of frum three to fuur tono to the aquare foot. SB . luvva ju-.-.- '.- ' r.- ---j-- !l WANTED Male Help li tion with large company. Box V. Siar - I I t ,r in. 44 xiK.N wanted 'o unload ewii by contract '..-rl. r Se-. , l"r. J gU Q 4jM v rrs nfl borer for out ot town work Good conditions. Apply Sll t once C in I'l ejne rl' It d , Ultdaixround coal loidera I Wnee pays 66 to 74 cents per ton Honeat loaders load-ers make from pi to 111 per eia;ht boura. 1 Minea working ejvajfjj sarj will re fund inur rtlroad fare after vou have earne-ej $75 bv loading cor-1 Onl" erer. 'n.-cJ men n eJ apply F1rt class board .'and room provided at camp. Finest of Hv-Tnr Hv-Tnr and working conditions. Preant thla advertisement to J, D. Carr. auperlntend-ent. auperlntend-ent. Lion Coal Company. Rock Springs. Wj ominat. XT ' 1 N ' T C.17 ! " ' -.nd 'O'i'e e-i Can tow rosd 43i VANT1 I ".rt ClS s exper tncv- Sulllian or Oocxlman coal cutting machine runners. Wage scale for thla r-i. 'I . ee -i 1.1 fv. nh fix e dol- 1 lore per iiu Will refund our tallrond fare after fOU hive earnd one hundrd i dollars Apply at (ne- to J. D. Carr su. perlntendent. LI01. (ml Company. Bock Springs, Wo. or 72'i I:clea Bldg . Og I MEN WANTED Ooo-I ooiltlona op n for trainmen . . rd , men and operator. Southern Pacific "on)panv. for ftalt Iake division. Apply Office .-u;,cr1ntcndeiit. t nlon lf-ot. Og den. or Aatlatant Superintendent. Sparks avad 4i n FLTING n ee t areeka I M C 5 h 4'''lr- Ml ndi 1 ence 1 nnw win. Travel n.nke secret Investigation reports Salaries; rxpenrca. M'rlte Amert-.-nn Foreign Detective Agency. 641 St. I ...IIS 1 u nt ii. ai. Hotel 'Pi WANTED 1 Female Help ! BT large wholesale and rctill firm, an ex-penen" ex-penen" e.i stenographer Tills Is n splen I did position for the right party Address, stating experience. Box '. Standard-Examlner Standard-Examlner J E 1 1 GIRL nt Orphcum Candy Co 4V7 Hi d SKKKKI'KK. II 1 d lad) pre I f erred. Good home, light work. Apply Hp in. 2f't ' ' .. -nil1 44X4 L wanted for hsht housework, no washing Appl' 41 Canyon road. 43S5 X 'X XN COOk Apply school for Deaf and n:iri.i BARN U kl; apart time, wrttlni for newspapers, magazines; exi"-rlcnce un . nesary; details !iee. Press Syndicate. ifi3 st Louie, Mo j TORRENT j Furnished 1 , TWO sleeping" rooms for gentlemen. Mod-1 rn; furnace heat. 428 Blnford avenue. 55 PI I.VI.-Hl.l' modern r.ouw p.rtl Wnsh ln ton Phone- Sll T. I 4" i .Vi'-EI.V turn mim ni'.m with hath 2".io Orchard avenue. 45"7 , PLRNISHED rx.m. 'V t m -. th:-.i ' 1568 THREi" room heuiae 2217 V:n Ruren. Phon. 2 456'. P" RnTsTTed hou ping rooms 2io Monroe. l'honc 32C1 M. 4.V'I D room for one r two geniie men. 462 Twontj eventh 4.".27 LARGE ibie for i a o - ntlemeh 421 Tw nl slxtli 15-8 NICELY furnished sleeping room Phone.'. S0B7 Mom h 1472 M( l ' I ' i it from iicti I S to October l 2751 Washington. Phone fiOfi or i i . 4 1.2 I 'I : : 7 lh i irant . 1 175 i ROOM apartment: no children Applj Kit "17 Twi ; .'Ml. Si ' 1 08 MODERN Bleeping room, eloae in. for gentleman: references. 313 Twenty-eighth lh". 44 ' i i. M. 771 t. ; i h .,. 77i !Washlngon ve Phone 25f.2 W 4412 MOl KP. ' - I - . i . i : id, !. on. Phom I0J 1380 SLE1 7 771 Tv -nt-. ;o,u Th 1 'I one )7;5-W 4 S9 NIPHED roomi 2659 J..f.'-rson vu , i i iooii i". ivionth ' ;"i Thli tv-J tv-J 4"7 SLEEPING rooms over Ogden theater ilOl I I 'PM 1 1 CI or iinfnrm-h. d -imi" rr x Kington ROOMS epecuii.x- ndaptcd for gentlemen Galea Hotel. 2116 Grant Ave Phone 30",o 4 "HlKsmaking i HEMfTITCHlN'fi and plquot edge. AM work guiirant'-cd. Prompt service Sin ger Sewing Machine Co.. 2338 Washington H97 ' l . ' XN i !., ,i. - dor;, it tl XX ! Inkton. 4 4'.'" DRESSMAKING nnd plain Bewlrr Thirl- ' ' 4 I N i ; "i 777 enleen'h 4S54 P1H' ' 'i :l .N dienf-miiklnj.-. 77i 'i'-.-. in". cond ; HEMSTITCHING ANO PICOT t DG E " Tho Llghthouee, 2452 Washintrton Ave., opposite the Plngree bank. Phone 581 I'rompt BOI tflce. 8S28 Hentatltt hlng, toot edge, buttons, ptni Int: nnd pleating Second floor W K. I XVrltrht A- Sora ffa H Ijiviimn. WANTED j Miscellaneous LARGE clean rags wanted at Standard Examiner office 4S7J r PERSONAL 1 1 PARTY going to Lakotown would shre expense with persons drlvlnp through Call . . i : 4 SIS CARD nd character reading 440 T-- n cth :7s; i MONEY TO LOAN WANTED TO BORROW Wc hftvo eevorai applications for loans at the time, rnngng from $1000 up Wc can place your mc ney on good security SMITH A- FLINDERS Upstairs Commercial Bank. Phone 1147 1 i." 1 TO -salaried people xvithout security, to othcrh in pianos, furniture, bonds, etc. ' II'. ' 1 l ''U Phone 284. 249 . innri 00 unproved -eai aetata Krih .v Derrick TTS j WANTED jj Salesmen !J TO sell a necessity. Real live wires nre 1 making J100 per week. Call for Mr. Wit- ' -i -'i Hudeon avenue 456; LOCAL manufacturing oncern hi open 1 lng for an A 1 live salesman Must be a hustler Address P O Box 1016. Salt ' l-ik ' !-. 273 j WANTED To Buy SEl ONP hand wlokrr babv buggv Phone 1 II .x P. Q. Box 3C2. 4 5 2 E A Ulini) twin hi by carriage Phone S43I '. xp' ;)'. . lean i . . it m i , 3 ai thi Stand 1 nid Ex Tnltn ...'in ins,,, . vi il heap hogi Will mil ,u o,ir .ird Gua Jensen. 3434 Washing ton Ave. Phone 21311 4025 A person Is lucky now if he can still Dick his teeth. Hum i mm, - m ti WANTED ' Situations ITATIOM VRT engineer, fas or steam ' t -1 1 el 4 ' ' in r I. in. oln Phone 1V 44vX MIDDLE aged wiornnn to clear offie.- ' I Eaperiaaaei d. CltV references Box P ' ar- tai rExarrdnet 44 ' . ' ,r r. . . A -. Firs! elara references. Box R. car. Standard r:Tinilner 42 X I. r PI r. . I . 'I' - - , , .( - ' ' ' Information Bureau J2 W PPO l.lJF PFP MONTH ANYTHING New or OIO ANYTHJNU A to Z new or old to"eht sold or PhiB JSJ liOOKS AND STATIONERY bramwell Book and tatloner-r V Washington Am Phone SMI DAN KINO t'lsh NaUtaaiai BanW. southeast corner Twenty -fourth and Waahlnarton Phone (1 CARPENTER AND JOOBER F. Struppick. carpenter and jobber. IM Twer-'- third ."t phone 1 L 44"' CARPET CLEAN'NG Ogden Carpet Cleaning Works, where you get resujts. Ptone 416 or HJ0-W CARPET CLEANING Expert carpet clean lag. upholstering. 1 mattreaaea made ever, fenthers renovatr-d ''all E. J. Hampton ., I o . 2546-M. 4231 CARPFT CLEANING K- Van Kampen for upholstering, carpets car-pets cleaned altered and la'd Remaking I Of maltresaea Phon. I7M-J CEMENT BLOCK MANUFACTURING WaPJUl In driveways and foundations. nnd build cottages and ranges Phon- UU CITY JUNK HOU6C Phone 133 226S-CO Washington Ave 7S CHOP SUEN AND NOODLES Matsuba tk 1o.. leading Japaneaa restaurant res-taurant In Ogden 273 24fh St. OCNTISTS ' The New Method Dentists are special-Ista special-Ista In all branches of Dentist 34t!a ' W ashlnarton Ave jjhj I ELECTRIC MASSAGE r or nice el- trie manage, call nt 1441 .rant avenue 434J I ENGRAVING Otrd-n Fntfravlng flervlce " . maaers of fine cits la one or mo. olors. tl Tw enty-fourth street Phon 61 ! LIFE INSURANCE Geo 1 Bennett, corporation and g-roup Insurance a spce-inltv Phone 124-W 1511 JUNK AND HIOEs- Western Hide Junk Co.. 2323 Wasb-injston Wasb-injston Avi Phone sr.i Ogden I jnk House. 0c Washlngtoo Ave. Phone 210 PLUMBING Gas and coal tanges connected. All klndd of plumbing xvork Our prices are right Orvll Waldram. 561 Seventeenth street. Phono S6SS-R. 1S30 PAPER HANGING Paper banging, painting, kalr-omining. paper cleunlng. Reasonable. Phone 322f'-K ROOFS REPAIRED Roofs ropihed and painted Call 945 J. 3518 REAL ESTATE Wl.'lard K.iy, re-n estate and loan 2174 Washington Ave Phone 409 1K74 SCAVENGER Garbage and rubbish hauled, cesspools and toilets cleaned. John Chlpp & i;o Phone IM, 214X HudBQli Avenuo b73J TRUNKS AND BAGS - Trunk and one repelring. round corner cor-ner Irom Maiiuitrd. (Jallucher s. J73 Hud ecn. 21H WINDOWS CLEANED EXPERT window nnd wall paoer clean Inar American H'indow Cleanlnc Ph fll The Ogden Auto Directory I WHERE THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY DO Utah Auto & Tire Exchange, 2224 Wa&hingrton. Cars of all makes. Termi. Let ug sell your car. 3771 Automobile iniiirance, R. O. Age. Phone 69 3774 Wc buy all cars regardless of condition. 8alvage parts for ale Auto Salvage Co , 2348 Grant. 4046 Auto repairing and welding. L. J. Haight, 2579 Grant. 4044 I Willard Battery Station. 2454 Grant avenue 3738 I Commercial bodies automobile painting. Sidney Stevens Imp. Co. Northeast Service Station. Cheesman Auto Co. 3783 Oldamobile trucks and touring cars Briscoe cars, Gramm-Bernsteii. trucks White-Robinson, 2300 Washington. Phone 340. 3739 Op;den Auto Radiator Co , 2329 Hudson Avenue. 3740 All makes of batterieB repaired and recharged Exide Battery Sta- j tion, 2359 Hudson Avenue 3741 W-ber Taylor Motor Co., 2333 Hudson Avenue. Chalmers and Max- I well sales and service Phone 143 3742 PPf McLaughlin-Storey Auto Painting Co., 1715 Washington. 377- Hudson Auto Top Co., 1717 Washington 3772 |