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Show t ii hi ' ' mm"mmmm7 gH j Sister Mary's Kitchen j I (Copyright, 1020. N. E. A.) When the glass stopper or the vlne-nr vlne-nr or oil cruel sticks, don't bit it. The mttjt careful tupping ha been known to crack tho nock of tht bottb'. Pour water ovec tho outside of tho cruet, gradually Increasing tho temperature tem-perature The hout wtUAea an almost infinitesimal amount of oxpanhlon of the' glass holding the stopper but enough to allow Ita ca3y removal. This will not break even cut glaa?. The slowly Increasing heat lempors the gla.a, go thero Is no sudden change of tomporaturc. MENU FOR TOMORROW. Breakfast Frcah pear, croamed dried beef, baking powdor biscuits, cof-foe. cof-foe. Luncheon Tomatoes af.iffod and baked, bread and butter, ppar ,con- srve, ton. Dinner Salisbury ntoak, French fried potatoes, cauliflower In cream sauce, apple celery and nut talad. maple ma-ple mousse, coffee. . MY OWN RECIPES. If tho steak Is cnrcfullv proparod land attractively served, tho dinner will be worthy a "dro89y" dessert such as maplo mousse. The Idea that foods 'must bo In keeping with each other Is ll.ot to be sneored at. Corned beef 'and cabbage would not be compatible hlth ice cream. But In this day of lost values, round steak sometimes has to bo served to guests and tho dessert I relied upon to make a company din- M Igssfl TOMATOES STUFFED AND H BAKED H A largo tomatoes fl 2 oars of qorn H egg H Vt cup drlod bread crumbs IH I Vz cup chopped cooked ham H Pepper M Cut the lop from tomatoes. Scoop H out inslrio pulp. Dm In and ubo tho IH tomato Juice to moisten stuffing, dls-. H curding souds. Cut tops from kernel H ot corn and scrape out tho milk. MIX H corn, tomato Juice, bread crumbs and H ham. Add well-beaten yolk of egg H Season with pepper only If .ho ham Is H . salty. Fold In whlto of egg beaten Uff JM nnd dry. Fill tomatoes with mixtures. H Put a bit of butter on each tomato H and bake in rumoklns. sssfl PEAR .CONSERVE H 4 pounds poars H ' 3 pounds sugnr H 1 pound ra,lslns H ? lemons H 3 ornngos H 1 cup English walnuts H Poel and core pears. Cut In smuli H pieces. Peel oranges nnd lemons and JM chop tho peel. Cut th0 fruit Into smnll H pieces the same size ns the pears. Put H 'ingredients Into a preserving kettle H 'and boll till thick and the pears are H t transparent. Pour into glasses nnd H seal when cold. H f Advica is tho ono thing that hasn't H gono up In prlco It's still free. H |