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Show YANKEE RELIEF WORKERS FACE SLII DEATH Americans in Beleagured City Showered With Turk Bullets Bul-lets at Night CONSTANTINOPLE, Aug. 18. By the Associated Press i Showered n'phtly with Turkish bulb's and facing fac-ing famine, eighteen American work? or of the American c omnilssion for relief In the Near EsuBt have been besieged be-sieged In Adana, Asia Minor, since! June 20. Twice the French troops holding Adana have fought Iheir way to Merslna the nearest port, and have ti turned with heavy losses A flour cargo of the American relief j commission for beleaguered Adana is waiting nt Merslna. The rallwaj has been demolished and supplies can reach Adana only by moior trucks.' heavily convoyed, with gr."it loss ofi Hie thiough the sixty mils stretch con- trolled by the fouowers of Mustapha Kmal Pasha, the Turkish national leader, who weic determined to starve oUI the I-rench in dana. The siege of the city was described to the correspondent b Anderson Webster, who has arrived in ( Onslan-tirople Onslan-tirople after escaping from dania on; August 7 and walking sout ht-ast to the Mediterranean. The Turks encircling' Adana have little artillery according, ti Anderson, and consequently make: raids chiefly at night when the 1 IJ-t.ri IJ-t.ri town is raked. Thus fai the m-e. m-e. leans have not been injured but their buildings have been peppered and they have not been able to Pave the com-' pounds at nlRht 'flu French artillery In datia kills man) Turks and affords cover for the troopfl which make frequent sallies Into the suriounding farms and vineyards vine-yards for foods The Americans are maintaining soup kitchens and work shops for 1000 Ax- II, entan refugees. All but 300 of the orphans of Adana have been sent to i Cyprus. The Americans are Doris riln. of the Colony club of New I York daughter of the composer. Eth-elbert Eth-elbert Nevin; Mrs Bmily R, Block Jof New York; Miss Adelaide Crane, of iQuincy, III , Miss Ruth W Henry, of Amherst. Mass; Miss Nan Lo v . . oT ' vie Pa ; Dr. and Mrs. William Dodd of Mont Clair. N J. . Philip Leon Flora ot Springfield. Mass; Wilson Pawle, 0 Auburn. Mass.. George W Patter son on Randolph "t . William Ramho and wife of Philadelphia Earl H See-by See-by of San Angelo, Te.v; the Misses Mury and Elisabeth Webb of Bostfrn I tlOSST, and the Misses Clara Bissell 'find Margaret Cwens, the two latter being members of the Y. W. C K |