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Show I P0CATELL0 CO. WANT9 M TO RAISE GAS RATE I PnfATET.Ln. Ida.. Aug. 19 A 70 per cent i n res in gas rateaia bein: M CTVyf sought by the Pocatello Gas & Power fjfe.4W company through a petition to the . ' state utilities commission. The pcti- tiB tlon was filed In Boise Monday. U Thf companj aTei 11 la nd1 makinjc fair returns on its Investment and that .B no dividends have been paid i. Ad Increase of 70 cents on 5000 cu blc feet of Kas supplied throuRh regular -jpH meters Is asked by the company. On wru the second 5000 to 30,000 cubic-feet the tnM company asks a 70-cent per month In . H crease. Providing this request is grant '.n ed the following rates will be effec- live In Pocatello: First 6000 cubic 7 9 feet, $2 70. gross. J2.60 net; second 5000 cubic feet, $2 60 gross, $2.5"i net. 'Jftfejft 10.000 feet, J2.45 trmss. f 2 35 net; 30.- rJW 000 feet. $2 23 gross. $2.15 net; all over I jirf 5 50.000 feet. $2.10 gross, $2 net. |