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Show BARNES LOSES II GOLF MEET Professional Loses Second j, Title to Clarence Hackney I CftlCAdO, Aug 1$ Jnmes Barnes H of St. Louis, lost his second title thl" H srhen t'lnrence Hackney of At- lantle City J . today eliminated him H from the Profsaalona) Oolfers assocl- StlOrt's tournament by five and four H Macknei Played remarkable golf. while Barnes appeared oft his stroke H won onl) four of Hie 3C holea. Barnea lOSt the western open title H here ,i fer s . . ks igo to Jack Hutch- H Inson, who pd by one stroke for 72 H Th,- closest match of the day was H bsteen MacDonald of Chicago H ond William Mehlhqgn of Tulsa. fkla . ithe local winning 1 up. H I I.awrie A Mon. of Chicago, today H .lost to Joek Hutchinson, western open H 'champion. H 9. Dougln Bdgar ol H i h. iniidon hid .in eas time H With Jack s Ivsster of St. Albans. Vermont, winning 11 and I C.enrge .M- l.e.m .f ilreat Neck, N. v made the lowest m ore r,,r i hoie j thus far In the tournament when he H turned In thD morning. H Peter New York, defeated I Ales Cunningham, t)t. Joseph, Mo. t H |