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Show LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX AND DE LINQUENCY OF THE SAME !To Whom It May Concern: I Under authority of Section 27 of the Compiled Laws of Utah, 11"7. and es fll reeled by Section 1056 01 the Rexlsed Ordinances Or-dinances of Ogden City, Pish. MI5. , Th.- undersigned Treaaumr of Ogtlcn I City. I'tah. hereby gives notice thru a .'speciii tax for the nurpose of pax Inlg the coats of building bltullthlc paving coni-hinntion coni-hinntion citify ,,nfj K-mt, rs. private drixe x 'ix . yldexx dmlnnge nnd sewer nt'd tratei connections, eic. In OKdcn cii I lah. h is been Kvled and confirmed by tin ordinance of the Board ot Commission 1 era of Ogden City. Ptah. adopted nnd pa.-sed July 2!. i;i20 and published Juiv 128. 1920. In Paving District No 130 Snid special tax Is levied upon ill prop-; prop-; erty abutting on the following street to-wit to-wit Both sides or Thirtieth street between Washington and Lincoln avenues, the south side only of Thirtie th street between 1 Lincoln and Pincrm avenues, and boili sides of Thirtieth street between Pin I gree avenue and a point 857. 1 feet west of Wall avenue rind more particularly aesertbed as follows- Pirt of Ixt 26. P.lnck 10. South Ogden Purvey Ixt 11 Block 10. South Ogden Burvcj Lot IS, ltio.i; 10. south Ogden Survey; Ixim 26 and 27. Block 1 Dunn- Addition. Ixts 1 to 19 Inclusive Block 3. Dunn's Addition; Ixits 27 to 52 inclu sivc Block 2. Central p:irk Addition: Ixt 10 to 31 Inclusive. Block 1. Central Parr-Addition: Parr-Addition: Lots 20 and 21 Block 1, Ktng addition; Lots 1 to 19 Inclusive. Block 2 Klng'n Adflitlon: and l.ts 1 to 2S Inclusive, Inclu-sive, Block 3. King's Addition; all la Og b n City Surxey. 10 a depth of 50 fettj back from the Ftrect line Said tax la payable In ten installments The flr.-t Installment becomes delin ein nt on the Kth d.iy of September. 1' The aSeond Inatallmont becomes delinquent delin-quent on the 2Mh lny of July. 1921. The Uilnl Installment becomes delln auent 011 the 2Sih day of July. 1922. The fourth Installment becomes delln nuent on the th day of July. 1923 The fifth installment becomes delln quant on the 2Sth dav of July. 1924 The sixth Installment becomes' delln quent on the 2Mh day of July, 1925 The seventh Installment becomes delinquent delin-quent un the 2Sth day of July 1926. The eighth Installment becomes dehn quent on the 2Mh day of Jul, 1927 The ninth Installment becomes delin quent on the 28th day of July. 1928. The tenth Installment becomes delln quent on the 2Sfh day of July, 1929. Each ol said Installments oraWa inter est at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 2sth day of July. 1920. until de llnquenl. and If wild tax or any Install ment thereof shall remain unpaid after the dchnuuincy of the same; Interest thereon thereafter will be at the rate of eight percent per annum until such as-scssnumts as-scssnumts are fully paid All special taxes are payable at the of flee of the city treasurer in tho city hall ot Ogden City. I'tah C. T. KOONS. City Treasurer. Published in the Ogden Standard Examiner Exam-iner First publication August 14. 1920 USj publication August 19. 1920. |